Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Frank, the Trucking Duck

“As stupid as it sounds, maybe if more people had a duck in their lives, maybe we wouldn’t be all so mad at each other.” – Joe Mansheim, trucker.

I've done all sorts of stupid things. Ducks for peace sounds fine to me.


Lizardmom said...

I've seen this before, I love it!! that's one cool duck :)

OrbsCorbs said...

I still don't understand how he can hunt ducks and have Frank as a pet/pal.

drewzepmeister said...

Awwww! That reminds me of the days my family used to raise ducks.

kkdither said...

What-the-duck? He does seem to be quite the good listener. I bet he doesn't give stupid advice or meddle in his business either.