Tuesday, June 29, 2010

President Obama is Coming to Racine


Are you excited about the President's visit? Did you get tickets for the show?

To me, his appearance here means traffic tie-ups and the added costs for security which our damaged city will have to absorb. Racine is already full of bread and circuses - we need solutions to our problems, not more campaigning on our dime.


  1. If something would actually happen after this visit, it would be exciting.. but it will probably be a well written speech and same old campaigning answers.. It always sounds great, but you know as soon as they leave things will return to normal and no change will actually happen.. I would love to see the President up close (any president) and it's kinda cool, but as you said Orbs about Racine will have to absorb the cost of him being here it's not worth it..

  2. I would like to see him too; I think he is very charismatic and it would be interesting to see the spectacle. I won't go though. I don't want to fight the crowds, nor do I want to put myself at risk of being in the middle of the "hot spot." There are far too many zealots concerning this president... both pro and con.

    Sadly, I have to agree... this visit will do nothing for the city of Racine, nor will it make a hill of beans worth of difference to the nation. We are in it so deeply, I don't know if anyone can actually right this ship.

  3. I will be doing what many other Americans will be doing that day - working to pay my taxes and balancing my family budget.

    Plus something is fishy about hte timing of this visit, but that is a discussion for a different post. I try hard to keep my politics off this site.

  4. Realistically can you imagine all the people who want to bend his ear regarding stuff. How can he relax and enjoy his visit. Sometimes I feel sorry for the guy. It would be awesome to be in the same room with him...I mean leader of our country!!! That doesn't mean I like him or anything just his position of power. I'll bet you could feel it.

  5. In '88 I was in college in Iowa. I went to see every Democratic presidential candidate when they visited campus. Kemp was the only Republican to visit campus and I saw him as well. Bush I and Dole visited the city, so I went off campus to see them (and I stole a campaign sign from every single one of them and put it up in my dorm room that fall just to confuse the hell out of anyone who walked in). Almost forgot, the Socialist party candidate came to campus and I saw her as well (she drew the smallest crowd by far).

    Clinton made a publicity stop at Michigan State while I was in grad school and I saw him there. Never stood in line for a ticket for any of them, however.

    Which is pretty much what I would do for Obama...if it was easy, yes. Not going to go out of my way for it.

  6. They showed the line on the news tonight. OMG! It was so long. I'm glad I didn't give into temptation and go. But my brain kept saying, how many times does a president come to Racine???

  7. I'm excited & I hope to catch a glimpse of him this afternoon...

  8. This visit will cost Racine hundreds of thousands of dollars. We couldn't even afford to fix the Laurel Clark Fountain for our kids, but now we have to absorb this. Thank you, Mr. President.
