Monday, July 5, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

We've added a couple of stars since 1942, but it's still a Grand Old Flag.


  1. I've looked all over...what channel is the parade in Racine going to be on? Thanks

  2. Also now that I have the time...I have a brilliant idea! You know how they are moving smokers outside, under patios and verandas to smoke and the non-smokers are inside so they have clean air to chit chat? Well why not reverse that...let the smokers stay inside and breathe the 'stinky' air and let the non-smokers outside so they can breathe the fresh air and chit chat. That sounds more resonable, don't you think?

  3. Channel 25, Sassa. The pre-parade sirens woke me up.

    Diners should be given oxygen tanks when they are seated.

  4. As a kid "You're A Grand Old Flag" was one of those unforgettable 4th of July songs. I wonder how many kids today could identify it? By the way (DING DING DING) Trivia Time: In the short scene of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, what was the name of the black singer, and why was his appearance in this film so ironic? (GOOGLEING VERBOTEN!)

  5. I watched the parade from my air conditioned living room in my pink nightie. Ahhhhh. gotta love the 5th of July! tee hee.

    Loggy, if you make googling verboten, I know nothing!! No fair!

  6. Me, neither, logjam.

    I didn't see the parade live or on TV. I heard some of it. The parade is a great event for kids and families. Some of the boozers overdo it, though. From yesterday's forecast, I thought we'd have rain today. I'm glad we had good weather for the parade and hopefully the fireworks tonight.

  7. sorry Sassa, I don't agree. As a chronic asthmatic, there were so very few places I could go and still be breathing when we were finished
    Can't smokers chain smoke to get their buzz on before they go eat? They can always resume when they're finished, sorry hon, I appreciate the ability to breath, and feel like I was being locked out of most places for simply not being able to survive in them, still love ya tho :)

  8. As a former smoker, (we are the worst!) I have to agree with lizardmom. I am so looking forward to coming home from a night out and not reeking of tobacco smoke down to my unmentionables.

    I hope bar owners enforce the new law! I swear, at least half of the not-feeling-so-well the next day comes from the second hand smoke and the loud music! That is what usually chases me out!

  9. OK OK! I can't stand the whining! Here, I'll give you a hint: "Old Man River"..........

  10. Good guess. Wrong color.
