Friday, July 16, 2010

Open Blog - Weekend Version



  1. TGIF!

    Tonight we head to a baseball game. Let's hope the heat index stays below 105 so we don't melt.

  2. It's hot everywhere. Good for the tomatoes.

  3. You are right, orbs! My tomatoes and cucumber plants are going nuts! Happy Friday, everyone! The summer weeks are flying by so fast!

  4. It's beautiful here!!

    Happy weekend everyone!

  5. Heat index know what feels like 105? When it is 105 (although it's been closer to 110 the last couple of days).

  6. Another beautiful day.. warm but not too warm.. our couple of fans are doing a good job of keeping the house pleasant..

    We took a little trip up to "town", we needed to get out of the house.. it was nice.. brought the girls to a nice playground and I was really surprised how few people were at the park..

    Our tomato plants are doing very well here too..I'm not a fan of tomoatoes but my daughter just loves them.. Our strawberries are great though.. they are a little late this year so we are eating them now.. very delicious..

  7. I eat tomatoes, but I'm not a particularly big fan of them. I just like growing things. I'll eat some and mom will eat some, but most of them will go to friends and neighbors.

  8. It's been a long day... Went to work, took Harley to the vet, had to get some special dog food for Harley, did some more errands-didn't get home till late evening.

    Tomorrow I go Up North in the morning and will be back Sunday-the chasing doesn't end...

  9. I'm with you Orbs, I love to grow things.. wish I had a bigger garden to do so.. I used to go and garden over at my in laws they have a large garden that they do not do anything with but it became too overrun with weeds and they refuse to use anything to combat it or spend any money on it... there is only so much money I will put into someone elses garden

    but in the past we have planted potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onions, beets, spinach, lettuce, ruccola, corn, all sorts of herbs, carrots, bell peppers.. oh goodness there has even been more.. it was fun but a lot of work..

  10. there is nothing like fresh grown tomatoes in the summer, I sure miss the ones my father in law used to grow (and we'd have to eat!!) YUM!
