Bird Bird Bird, bird is the word. Especially if it is keeping something that should be front page screaming news on the down low, unless your independent media like Racine Uncovered, who deserves a huge slap on the back for a job well one. Seems like no ones mayor but yours Lying John Dickert has tried to stop all discussions of a small incident at our Jail last night. You would think that something that needs every cop on the beat, plus the RCSD and RFD called to the jail would need to be related to the citizens of our little area. Not according to "Keep it quiet" Johnny.
After he left the scene, he proceeded to go to Shillings to party on! 2nd.worst.mayor.ever! FAIL
He's a Becker clone. A piece of shit. Beth at Racine Uncovered does more for Racine in a week than this pig will ever do.
He's getting the Racine Uncovered's KISS MY A$$ AWARD this week (got the idea from you guys with the bird!) I actually don't do more, I just won't hide and pretend everything is great in Mayberry, this town used to be wonderful, but when people look the other way and pretend there are no problems, those problems only get worse and usually affect we the people and not them! I guess from what people have told me "I just tell it like it is!"
Awww, come on, just a little ruckas, fracas, to-do, silly little misunderstanding, a little tiff between the boys downtown... Let's have a pajama party...drinks anyone?
Congrats, Beth. It probably never would have made the news. Racine would have remained crime free had you not brought it forward.
i disagree that dickert is a becker clone - he is far far worse...
Well, I dont know if I would put a preying, sick, disgusting, pedio purve that has sick fantasies about 14 year old girls, and is an immoral bastard over John Dickert. But it's your opinion.
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