Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lets upset some more people

Okay, first, sorry to any police with thin skin or are in shape. We have areas of our city that have the majority of our Police force reacting with too many man hours. I said “reacting.” I believe in being proactive. When you are proactive and vigilant (not vigilante) you can nip problems in the bud. When problems do arise, if you’ve been proactive, the solution becomes evident usually much quicker.

How could Racine’s police be proactive? Two words. Foot Patrols. Why is it our fire fighters are in better shape than our police? How do we end up with so many obese officers? When police would rather shoot a man than chase him down, doesn’t this point to a lack of physical fitness?

Foot patrols would put our officers into these neighborhoods. They would get to meet and come to know the good folks. YES there ARE good people in all neighborhoods. A foot patrol would get to know them. A foot patrol would get to know the bad elements. Foot patrols would be mentors for the little kids that only get one side of the story.

If an officer breaks into a sweat after walking just one or two blocks, shouldn’t that officer walk even more until he/she doesn’t? I’ve seen too many large cops that the only quick thing they possessed was their tempers.

Lets not always fall into the trap of reactionary thinking and efforts. Lets be proactive and try to nip these problems in the bud


hale-bopp said...

I would add bike patrols. They have lots of bike patrols around the U of A, especially early in the year when lots of cars are driving the wrong way down one way streets.

You can cover more ground on bike patrols and still have contact with people fairly easily.

OrbsCorbs said...

I know that we have at least one RPD bike patrol in Racine, maybe more. I don't know if anyone walks a beat, but I don't think so. Too be honest, I think there are areas where it wouldn't be safe for even two cops to walk at night. They'd probably be attacked for their weapons and bragging rights.