Saturday, August 14, 2010

My visit to WI

I was in Wisconsin for my family reunion last weekend. Thought you guys might enjoy seeing a couple of pictures.

When I arrived at my brothers 'cabin' in Gilman, I was greeted by a couple of young pygmy goats...Jack and Jill (the young boy butting heads with Jack is my great nephew Keegan)...they are just plain too cute. When I met the llamas I was warned that the llamas like to kiss...what???? Oh boy....then came out the rooster(the young gal is my niece's oldest daughter) and rabbits, some cats, chicks...guess my brother won't be lonesome up there! Never take children with you to an Amish Animal Auction!!!!!

The other picture is the one room school I attended outside of Oconto Falls. It was named North Branch and when I went there, we had outhouses for the first three years of the four I was in attendance. Grades one through eight attended this school. I counted the children in the one school picture I have and there were 21 children. My Mother also attended school in the same building with probably the same outhouses. The little add-on in the back wasn't there when I attended. We had a pot-bellied stove powered by wood as I recall. Brrrr.....

Went right down memory lane when we stopped there....Drew, it's on hy 22 between Oconto Falls and Gillett...Drew is somewhat familar with this area.
Hope the goats bring a smile to your faces


  1. Of course, I'm familiar with the area! I pass through Shawano, Bonduel, and Black Creek on way Up North. Besides my girlfriend is from Shawano.

    It looks like you had a great time up there. The whole post put a smile on my face :)

  2. Aww, all those cute animals.

    I can't imagine going to a school like that, Beejay. I had to walk to school, but it was only 5 blocks to a building with radiators and a boiler and lavatories and a janitor. Winter was the worst, but nothing like sitting in an outhouse.

  3. These are the pictures memories are made of!!
    I'm glad you were able to make the reunion. Looks like a great place!

  4. Orbs, I have NO memories of that outhouse, other than the older boys going to clear out pine snakes in the fall....that I remember! LOL. Back then the kids all had 'jobs.' Since I was so little, I got to clean the blackboard erasers. Had a bucket full that we clapped together until no more chalk dust came out. Taller kids washed the blackboards, etc.

    I bored poor Dan to death with stories of my days in that school, I'm sure.

    And the animals at my brother's....they are just plain fun...nothing like watching a small child chasing a bantam rooster with a net...the rooster escaped.I don't think they've found him yet...poor little guy. Oh and all those rabbits!!!!
