Monday, August 30, 2010

Open Blog - Monday



  1. I think they're is something in the air, I know I didn't get enough sleep but woke up feeling pretty good, can't explain it but hope it lasts at least til I get done working :)
    Happy Monday everybody!!!!

  2. Happy Monday everyone. Now I'm going back to bed.

  3. I am still traveling...very rural Indiana. Internet connections are dicey. Haven't been able to blog for a few days (although have found time for a few comments). Getting back to civilization late tonight.

  4. It was my first Monday back at school for the first time in 2 years.. EEK!!

    I made it through but it was only informational, tomorrow begins the real work.

  5. Happy Monday afternoon/evening. One week to Labor Day. Still feels like summer.

  6. Happy Monday evening! Storms predicted for tonight, then a cool front. It's been in the 90's.

    Everyone send good closing thoughts my way!!

    Anyone want a BlackBerry paperweight?

  7. Oh, DA, you are really mad at that phone, aren't you?

    And keep good thoughts, friend...I'm keeping you in mine.

    Hello to Mr. DA!

  8. Beejay, YES I am! I really like this phone.
    But... considering it turned itself off some time between 4 and 6 pm and didn't come back on until 4 AM ( at which time the clock said 2:16) It makes a good paperweight, and that's about it. Not good for even a clock or an alarm ( already had it fail at that last week)

    Mt DA says Hey... How YOU doin to everyone!

  9. MR DA, I mean.
    I think I am getting all my messages 2 hours later, too.

