Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

May red, yellow, and blue animated birds start your day today.


  1. I wish...
    I can always count on clogged sinuses to wake me up instead..
    Happy Wednesday guys!!

  2. Though I cannot be sure, I have a pretty strong sense this is directed to me. Though I truly do not understand why I have become such a target for these peoples’ anger. It seems very odd to me. Although, I do appreciate the writing and humor. To bad it is so misguided and untrue. If any one of these people (all of whom are too afraid to show their real face or name) were willing to actually sit and speak with me personally…to know the kind of human I truly am…they would have some serious egg on their faces. They all come to my site – many VERY often – yet they act so put off and offended by me. They call me vulgar and perverted. A mindless liberal is all they see. After my post yesterday about Peace in the Blogosphere…my admitting to becoming suicidal after threats and accusations were made against me, it is obvious this was written and posted to bait me somehow. What makes people do things like this? This writer in particular, he is clearly intelligent, creative…why use those talents for simple meanness?

    To the JT Commenters:

    Listen, I write. Perhaps not well, it is not my profession. Since I was a kid it is how I express myself. I am human. I make mistakes, I also admit them. I think about a lot of things and put those thoughts into words. Everyone is free to disagree or simply ignore. I do not come here with the intention of EVER hurting a person. I invite you to sit with me for coffee, have a phone conversation with me...know me as a person before you paint this picture in your heads of some monster that doesn't exist. I am a loving, caring, compassionate person who will give the shirt off my back. I have nearly killed myself due to the stresses of raising a child whose mother didn't want the job. When a friend is in need, they come to me. I am highly sensitive and while I know I need to take the knocks when putting myself out there, I still have feelings.

    When I do not respond it is because I am indeed busy. Or it is because there is nothing left for me to say. I will not respond JUST to respond. And I value differing opinions. I truly do. I am used to not fitting in politically. I am not liberal enough for my liberal friends and not conservative enough for the others. I am used to that. When disagreed with, I have no problem with that. Only when it is done disrespectedly do I become irritated. When others will cast aspersions on me and my life personally because of an opinion I may have - that is when I will get sensitive about the issue and yes, I will sometimes get loud about it. I really do not understand why I have become such a target for you people.

  3. Was my post deleted?

  4. Well, let me try again...
    Though I cannot be sure, I have a pretty strong sense this is directed to me. Though I truly do not understand why I have become such a target for these peoples’ anger. It seems very odd to me. Although, I do appreciate the writing and humor. To bad it is so misguided and untrue. If any one of these people (all of whom are too afraid to show their real face or name) were willing to actually sit and speak with me personally…to know the kind of human I truly am…they would have some serious egg on their faces. They all come to my site – many VERY often – yet they act so put off and offended by me. They call me vulgar and perverted. A mindless liberal is all they see. After my post yesterday about Peace in the Blogosphere…my admitting to becoming suicidal after threats and accusations were made against me, it is obvious this was written and posted to bait me somehow. What makes people do things like this? This writer in particular, he is clearly intelligent, creative…why use those talents for simple meanness?

    To the JT Commenters:

    Listen, I write. Perhaps not well, it is not my profession. Since I was a kid it is how I express myself. I am human. I make mistakes, I also admit them. I think about a lot of things and put those thoughts into words. Everyone is free to disagree or simply ignore. I do not come here with the intention of EVER hurting a person. I invite you to sit with me for coffee, have a phone conversation with me...know me as a person before you paint this picture in your heads of some monster that doesn't exist. I am a loving, caring, compassionate person who will give the shirt off my back. I have nearly killed myself due to the stresses of raising a child whose mother didn't want the job. When a friend is in need, they come to me. I am highly sensitive and while I know I need to take the knocks when putting myself out there, I still have feelings.

    When I do not respond it is because I am indeed busy. Or it is because there is nothing left for me to say. I will not respond JUST to respond. And I value differing opinions. I truly do. I am used to not fitting in politically. I am not liberal enough for my liberal friends and not conservative enough for the others. I am used to that. When disagreed with, I have no problem with that. Only when it is done disrespectedly do I become irritated. When others will cast aspersions on me and my life personally because of an opinion I may have - that is when I will get sensitive about the issue and yes, I will sometimes get loud about it. I really do not understand why I have become such a target for you people.

  5. Heather, your post wasn't deleted by any of us. Apparently blogspot has been having trouble with comments for days. Half the comments I write don't appear - instead I get a "Service Unavailable 505" message. I've learned to save a copy of my comments before I post them in case I have to re-post.

    Second, I haven't visited the personal blogs on the Journal Times site for years. I keep my nasty comments limited to their news stories. I assume that you've been tangling with bloggers there and that the blog you linked to is directed at you.

    All that I can really suggest is that you just walk away from it when it gets too nasty. I don't think there will ever be peace in the blogosphere because it is too big, too diverse, and too anonymous. Most of us at the JTI have met each other and consider ourselves friends. It's much harder to go off on someone when you know them.

    And there's a certain type of personality that really gets off on flaming others online, even to the point of suicide, as some recent court cases have shown. Don't ever give that much power over yourself to a stranger.

    You appear to be a very nice person who gives the benefit of the doubt to other people. I think that works best in person. Online you never know who or what you're dealing with.

    I've written on and off my entire life, too. It's my main form of expression, too. I would never have the guts that you do to put myself and my work out there, though. You are very brave. Please don't let the smallest minds influence you. Language is sacred, it's God's greatest gift to us; use it to discover and inspire.

  6. Oh, and I really dig today's video. That's how every day starts for me.

  7. Heck, it's afternoon and I'm still seeing animated birds... ;>

    Heather, most of us quit the Journal Times for the exact same reasons: frustration, insults, hysteria, sensationalism, bullies and baiting, etc. We have moved on. Perhaps you should too...

    I can tell you for a fact that nothing you posted on the JTI was deleted by our admin users/moderators.

  8. And I have had a few comments here not post correctly recently as well...always managed to get them to work the second time. Blogger is just little wonky these days for some reason.

    I don't even read comments on the news stories...lots of stupid there too.

  9. Well I'm glad it's not just me.

    I have been getting the same thing lately, "Service not Available".

  10. I must be hogging the bandwidth. No problems posting here...

  11. You're not the only bandwidth hogger here, kk. No problems here.

  12. So my monitor died last week and it's still under warranty. I went online and submitted a claim. I was instructed to await an email containing a return authorization number and further instructions. I waited a week. Nothing. I finally sent them an email asking when I might receive my instructions. They said I never submitted a claim. So I resubmitted the claim today and asked them to check that they received it. They said yes and that I would be contacted "in a few days." Meanwhile, the old dysfunctional monitor is driving me batty and blind(er).

  13. Orbs, I hope your not dealing with HP technical support. Those guys gave me (and still do) nightmares.

  14. I had very good luck with Dell. The box for the return was on the porch the very next day... now how did they do that????

  15. It's LG - "Life's Good." I received the return authorization today and a prepaid FedEx shipping label. Now I have to package it up.

  16. Guess what? Heather's first post was caught in blogspot's comment spam filter for some reason. I have no idea why. Why wasn't the re-post? In any case, it has now been published.
