Friday, October 22, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Thank goodness, it's Friday! It has been a crazy week working overtime. Looking forward to relaxation this weekend. Here are this week's random questions...

1) Do you have a certain phobia? If so, what are you afraid of?

2) Who do you think is the best American president?

3) If were on death row, what do you want your last meal to be?

4) What you think is the best sight in your town?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) Do you have a certain phobia? If so, what are you afraid of?
    I am not a friend of heights.

    2) Who do you think is the best American president?
    Teddy Roosevelt

    3) If were on death row, what do you want your last meal to be?
    A deep dish pizza from Derangos

    4) What you think is the best sight in your town?
    In both towns (Rimforsa and Racine) The lake.

  2. 1. I also would rather keep my feet on the ground and I hate ferris wheels...Absolutely, hate them.
    2. Oh boy.....I think I'll abstain.
    3. Who could eat????
    4. Too many...but almost all involve the Charlotte Harbor area.

  3. 1. I don't like heights.
    2. I'm not sure.
    3. Wow. My moms perch with slaw and rye bread and fries, and for dessert, Danish Layer cake.
    4. Here, I would have to say the Bricktown Canal and in Racine, the lake.

  4. 1. I hate spiders and creepy, crawlies. Not a fan of roller coasters and the sensation of falling.

    2. Do we really ever know the truth? I guess I'd have to say Jimmy Carter.

    3. I think I'd want a last bite of many things... pizza, lasagna, steak, lobster, homemade fresh mashed potatoes....and something very dark chocolate.

    4. Of course, the beautiful lake.

  5. 1. Yes. Snakes, fish.

    2. In my lifetime - Reagan
    Of all time - George Washington

    3. A buffet made of a deep dish from pizza face, the four seasons from main moon and my M-I-L's beef roast and Kanadle.

    4. The Lake.

  6. 1) Heights.

    2) Abraham Lincoln.

    3) Kewpee burger, fries, root beer.

    4) Lake Michigan.

  7. 1) Questions
    2) William Harrison: He wasn't in office long enough to screw things up (1 month)
    3) A loaf of bread with a diamond tip file in it.
    4) There's this gorgeous blond that lives down the street with big......

  8. 1) Do you have a certain phobia? If so, what are you afraid of?
    The monsters under my bed

    2) Who do you think is the best American president?
    Wild Bill

    3) If were on death row, what do you want your last meal to be?
    One that never ends

    4) What you think is the best sight in your town?
    I'm not telling you her name!

  9. 1) Big, hairy spiders. The bigger they are the more squeamish I get...

    2) Theodore Roosevelt-being elected four times gotta mean something.

    3) Fugu.You only live once, right?

    4) The lighthouse.

  10. Drew, it was his younger cousin Franklin that got elected four times.
    He face the problem of the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.
