Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Is The Rumor True?

I have been told that the male CEO of a large and well known Racine company has been picked up drunk, wandering around the eastern portions of Four Mile Road wearing women's night clothing. My source swears this is true and has happened at least twice. Has anyone else heard anything?


  1. Orbs, you might have the bombshell of the year..... WTF?

  2. That's more or less in my neck of the woods. I haven't seen nor heard anything...

  3. Ha like that's going to make the news. I still don't know the name of the person who hit a house with his vehicle on Meachem and Maryland. Are our spies all taking five?

  4. I know of only one time, but he wears it well. I should have such legs.

  5. Sassa, I wonder who is being protected in that car crash and why, too.

    Anonymous corroboration is no corroboration. I didn't think it was true, but you never know. Personally, I can think of worse things than a penchant for women's clothing. If Becker had bought that underwear for himself, he might be a free man today.

  6. ZZ Top has a song "Sharp Dressed Man", but I don't think it fits this situation......

  7. Gee... can't you keep your kink-a-tude indoors where others aren't subject to it? I'm thinking that behavior borders a tad on instability or insanity.
