Saturday, October 23, 2010

My life has moved on!

SER, DA, KK, ORBS, STU, ABBEY,LIZARDMOM, TOAD, and anyone else who was here three years ago.

Three years ago today, my husband lost his battle with heart disease. It doesn't seem possible, but, yes, it has been three years.

Immediately following his funeral, like probably two days, you guys set up a gathering at a little restaurant on Hy 20....I hemmed and hawed, but finally got out of my car and went into that joint alone, for the very first time in my entire adult life. I never entered a bar/restaurant alone unless my husband was waiting for me or I was meeting a friend. Here I was meeting a bunch of folks I had met (gasp) on-line. You opened your arms to me and really were there for me during Doug's final illness and immediately after his death.

Thank you all so much for all the love you showed then and you show now.

I have found out who I am without a man and then decided since I was pretty okay with that, I would try the waters again. Wow...luck was with me and now I have another wonderful man in my life...and, again, you guys opened your arms to me with this new guy.

Thanks for the friendship and support you have given me during these changing times in my life.




  1. Jeeze, I wonder what you do in a situation like that? You can't sing Happy Birthday.....Hail Hail the Gang's All Here?......

  2. Wait to you get the bill lady!

  3. Big D is a great catch, you're a pretty good fisher(wo)man :)

    Hard to believe it was that long ago but time does fly, we're family, for better or worse, you're stuck with us kid :)

  4. I had started blogging shorty after Doug's passing. Yet, I know you Beejay, well enough to know what you've gone through. The fine bunch of people here at the JTI, who's spirit and comrade, has helped me through a difficult time a year ago.

    I am extremely happy that you're life has gotten better and found happiness. You've got a great man in Biggie D. He's lucky to have you!

    Yes, I've also moved on. Yeah, I'm in a relationship with a lady who knows how to treat me like a king. :)

  5. Thank you, Beejay. I wasn't at that first meeting, but I've been to all the rest, and I've very much enjoyed meeting you and the rest of the JTIs. I remember a get-together at your local place in particular that was a gas. You definitely are an extrovert. I'm so glad that you and Biggie D found each other. We have a unique little family here. I'm proud to be part of it.

  6. We are lucky to have you as a friend Beejay.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you guys....and, yes, I am so lucky to have found Biggie D...

  9. I'm tardy to the party. What else can I say?... WE LOVE YOU, Beejay! I am so happy that you are happy.

    This is quite the family, dysfunctional and irregular!

  10. Thanks, kk....who would have known what good, close friends we would become?
