Monday, October 11, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Let the fun begin!


  1. I wonder if the Packers realize they can't go to the Super Bowl if they keep giving games away!

  2. We were greeted by a tiny little black kitten outside of our door meowing to get in.. I opened the door to look what was making the noise and he ran inside and now he does not want to leave. We have signs around the neighborhood looking for his owner.. I didn't have the heart to throw it back outside in the freezing temperatures we had this AM. I keep explaining to the girls that he's just visiting and he will go home soon, but Mina is still telling everyone we have a cat now.. Don't know what to do.

    People around here always let their cats run free with no collar so it's hard to know if it's a stray or if it belongs to anyone. He is very nice and doesn't seem to be too skinny, so I'm thinking he must be someones.

  3. SER

    With all the injuries I'm not sure how far they can go. It looks like many of the key players are hurt. Yesterday was brutal. Although, they should have won.

  4. the kittens momma was found now.. thank goodness we didn't have to adopt a kitty..

  5. What's with all the irregulars luring in stray cats? LOL A black one...pretty good for halloween. You could have put him in the window. To bad he's gone. Cats are nice, and fluffy, and loveable.

  6. My cat before Charlie was a stray who ran up to me one day as I returned from work. I, too, looked for his owner, but later realized that I was it.

    Poor Packers. Maybe Mme. Z can help.

  7. Last night in Yosemite with the park rangers tonight. We are going to Glacier Point for sunset and their final presentations. Will be colder than I am used to up there!

  8. Fun Monday.
    Spent 20 minutes on hold to the wireless company for the internet.
    Finally got connected to ~~~ India I do believe. Couldn't understand the guy. Static-ey connection. The guy seriously had a very strong accent.
    45 minutes of him yaking and me saying, I'm sorry, I can't understand you...
    Me getting very frustrated. I went through this with Comcast yesterday until he determined it was the wireless router (which I got from CC, but they outsource to SMC, so I have to contact them)
    Anyway.... getting nowhere with this guy at SMC. He's telling me all the things that I did already. The hold message keeps saying please go to for any assistance. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no internet! Well, I do, but to perform tests it has to be plugged into the wireless ( which DOES NOT WORK!)
    So.. after all this.. I'm getting a little testy (mainly because I can't understand him) he HANGS UP!
    I'm baffled. This is customer tech service after all...
    So, I call back and of course they are all busy so I am put on a que for a call back.
    I'm still waiting. 1 1/2 hours later.......
    Yes, fun Monday indeed. It's beautiful outside and that is a plus. But I don't want to get started on anything outside because I just know they will call.

    And I hurt my back 4 days ago and it's NOT getting better.
    Makes for a very cranky me.

    That's my Monday vent. Thanks for listening.

  9. I'll listen to a rant about technical service any day. When I get people I can't understand, I ask for someone else. I simply tell them that I can't understand them.

    Isn't it something how "service" in the computer world means you do the repairs yourself while someone tries to explain how? If you bought a dishwasher and it didn't work, would you expect the service people to explain to you how to open it up and start fixing things?

  10. fun?? my patootie!
    I suppose the un-fun actually started yesterday when I drove a spike (fat, long, giant splinter) under and thru my index finger nail... add to that hobbling around in my 'walking' (hobbling) boot, and it made of a not great day, with any luck, this may be my last week with the boot, got it shot up with cortisone last Thursday, it's just starting to feel a bit better now...
    dang, getting older SUCKS

  11. KK, you want to call tech for me tomorrow??? ;)
    Glad your day was good!

    No call back. Guess I do this all over again in the morning.

  12. DA-I'm almost positive I talked to these guys under the disguise of HP technicians. Honestly, I believe it's some sort of conspiracy from the computer companies to use Indians to confuse us. I think they want us to say "f@*k it" and buy a brand new product...

  13. My niece just asks for someone who speaks 'English.' When they tell her they do, she says, 'No---ENGLISH...I need to talk to someone who speaks ENGLISH!' Frustration gets to all of us who have to deal with someone who really can't speak the language so that we can understand them.

    Hope you get it resolved quickly, DA!

    We have had beautiful weather here lately...warm in the days and cool nights (mid to low 60s)....

    Went to a wedding at Ponce DeLeon Park in Punta Gorda on Sunday...on the beach...beautiful....just beautiful...reception at the Port Charlotte Beach Complex was also so scenic, overlooking the harbor. Our little town does have such nice vistas if you just go look for them!

    Have a good week all. My has been off to a bang-up start.

  14. Beejay......

    Ponce DeLeon, Is he still looking for the fountain of youth down there?

  15. Update:
    Mr DA took the whole thing apart and reinstalled it. Result- nothing.
    Went out and bought our own wireless router.
    I am back to roaming freely about the house again. :)
    Calling Comcast tomorrow to see what I do with this useless router they sent.

  16. Tell them what you'd like to do with it.

