Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

You must obey the red butterfly.


  1. The red butterfly is telling me to do bad things....

  2. Why only Wednesday????? This is my motto for daily living!

  3. Do something crazy.....and not get arrested? Hmmmm, that in itself is a challenge.

  4. Speaking of crazy, I quit my shrink today. I've been seeing this guy every three months for years and years, and my symptoms just get worse and worse. This guy gets paid the same whether his patients live happily ever after or drive off of a cliff. Enough bullshit. I walked out.

  5. Don't let them buffalo you, orbs. You are the sanest voice of reason out there.... that is, when we overlook your tin foil hat! ;>

  6. We were in Racine this past weekend for a wedding. I had completely forgotten that if there is no snow on the ground, then the streets are all torn up. Good grief. But it is still my "home" city and we managed. I still cannot tell you how much I miss that beautiful lake, even when the waves were crashing over the rocks. Gary has also fallen in love; especially with the giant brown trout that were biting in the harbor. A fisherman's heaven. And I got to eat almost everything I wanted, (Jerry's sub sandwich, Kewpees, M&A pizza and of course kringle. The only thing I didn't get was perch. That was okay because at the wedding we had Danish Layer Cake. It was a great trip!
    I wish I could have met some of the irregulars but it was a whirlwind trip; in Thursday afternoon and out before dawn on Monday. Maybe next time.

  7. Glad you had a good time, Mary. The weather's turned warmer. This might be Indian summer. I haven't had any perch in a long time, either. When I was a kid, we'd bring them home by the bucket from North pier.

    Thanks, kk, Maybe truly sane people, like great artists, aren't recognized in their own time.


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