I have been in a blogging funk recently...hopefully can get myself inspired to pick it up again soon.
In the meantime, I give you Steve Martin and his new hit song...he still has a few funnies left in him!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Too funny...hope you come out of your funk, Hale, we certainly can't have that!
Slight depression is not uncommon in someone who has had major surgery or suffered a significant blow to the system. You'll bounce back, blogging is calling, blogging is calling.......
It's just a blogging funk...normal life is pretty good...doing lots of improv shows (including one later this month with Purlitzer nominee David Fitzsimmons as a special guest which should totally rock) and I got back up to a 15 mile run Sunday which keeps me on track for the marathon in January...still working on getting the speed back but it is coming.
For some reason, blogging seems to be the neglected area right now.
Atheists should just write their own songs, like "Toss Me in the Dumpster When I'm Dead, Fred" and "You'll Never See Me Again (and That's Too Soon for Me)."
There are a couple of artists who have atheist themes in their music like George Hrab's God is Not Great and Greydon Square's A Rational Response. I run across these from time to time in all my skeptic readings and podcasts.
Hell, looks like Hale's back.
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