Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Face lifts. Why do people do this electively?

I got a mini face lift.... My disability is progressive. As nerves are damaged, I lose muscle control. Sometimes not that big of thing if I can do a work around, somethimes it's aggravating. My right eye was drying out at night, the eye wasn't closing right. The Docs went in and raised my outside right lower eye lid. EEYoww. I don't know if I'm going to look forward to when the left needs this. Then again, a huge difference. I'm waking refreshed. The sleep is so much improved it's a quality of life issue.

No way would I do this for vanities sake. There is no way to make me handsome, so I accepted me ages ago. It wasn't until the Docs said i needed this that I bothered to even look in the mirror. When I did, it was an "Oh wow" moment. "Hey, my eyelids do droop, and the right is real bad." Before I had it done, Bob said maybe I could do a Carnival freek show. From the right, Japanese, and from the left Chinese. Hey, my humor is dark and Asshole buddies are appreciated, Not distinct now that it's done. As the swelling goes down, I'm not looking handsome, but I'm looking normal. Good enough for me. Just take my picture from the right.


Sassa said...

What's funny is that usually women do go through a lot to look 'good'. HIGH heels, tight panty hose, girdles, steel wire bras, waxing unwanted hair, perms/coloration/straightening hair, braces, and yes surgery. AH THE price we pay to look 'good'.
PS I never did any of that stuff...LOL.

kkdither said...

Heal up, huck. Hope you are feeling better!

OrbsCorbs said...

I'm glad that the procedure worked, Huck.

One of the advantages of getting older has been that I care less about my appearance as I age. I mean, I don't want to look or smell like road kill, but I'm not trying to impress anybody.

Lizardmom said...

sounds super painful, glad it's helping tho :)

Beejay said...

Sorry, it hurt, Huck....hope you heal quickly....

OKIE said...

Huck, my brother in law had the same surgery on his eye lids and to be honest, was quite embarrassed about it. But he can see.
As Sassa put it, even though there is pain involved,we (women) wear the high heels, makeup, bras and yes those God awful twisted, crotch down to the knees pantyhose just to look good. Sometimes looking good takes a lot of work.
Yes and there are times (especially when you see your mother looking back at you in the mirror) that we consider more drastic approaches, including surgery. Haven't done that yet but haven't ruled it out either.
I hope your healing process is quick and you are back to normal soon.