Friday, November 19, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! I can't hardly believe that Thanksgiving is less than a week away! Isn't that something? This week's questions are about Thanksgiving.

1) What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

2) What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?

3) What are you most thankful for?

4) Planning going shopping the day after Thanksgiving?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

    2) What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?
    time with the family, but otherwise stuffing

    3) What are you most thankful for?
    A warm house to call home where my family lives and loves.

    4) Planning going shopping the day after Thanksgiving?
    possible.. haven't thought that far, but it's not the same scene here as it is there.

  2. 1. Will be making a dinner for an unknown number of people.
    2. Dessert
    3. I am thankful for so much these days...I have my health (a big thing, of course), a wonderful man in my life (another big thing, literally), and I am lucky in life.
    4. You think I lost my the day after Thanksgiving...never, ever, ever will I do that.

  3. 1) I'm taking mom to my sister's home for the big meal.

    2) My favorite part is when it's over - sorry, I'm not big on holidays with the family.

    3) The internet

    4) No way

  4. 1. cooking for his family Wednesday and for mine Thursday
    2. dessert, duh! (as the cook, I need to sample everything for quality control purposes so on the day itself, it's not that big a deal but dessert is brought by someone else :)
    3. lots of thing, you guys, family, sanity in the few moments it comes before it goes...
    4. nope, not on your life, every other year I work , and this is the other year when I host Thanksgiving, took the week off and I"ll be sleeping, no alarm, nothing, just sleep and not much else

  5. 1. Cooking a bird and the works for immediate family on Thursday. Ordering pizza on Sat for extended family coming from out of town. (still means I have to clean and make the house company-ready! :()

    2. I like it all, but to me... mashed potatoes are the bomb.

    3. I am very lucky. I have all the comfort necessities. Food, shelter, great friends, great kids, a job and people who love me.

    4. There is nothing I want or need enough to go out shopping. I'm so glad I no longer have to buy in bulk as Santa. If I would shop on Black Friday, it would only be online.

  6. 1. Not sure yet
    2. The pies.
    3. Most thankful that this year is almost over.
    4. No shopping. Been there done that.

  7. 1. This year the Cross Country 5k in the morning...the only thing that changes is the race but I do one every year (I was in Vegas a couple of years ago on Thanksgiving and did a really cool race...Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam, an 11k race along the old railroad bed they used to bring in construction materials and there were six tunnels...each way).

    2. Seeing the cats go crazy for their tuna.

    3. That I can do my Thanksgiving Day race (that covers health, being financially well of enough to train and enter, and the friends I see there).

    4. Isn't Friday buy nothing day? I usually participate in that!

  8. 1) I'll probably be up north with my girlfriend visiting our families.

    2) Being with family...

    3) Lately my girlfriend for just being there. Then there is my family and the JTI :)

    4) Oh hell no! I may be irregular, but I'm not insane!

  9. 1) Plans are that everything goes according to plans!
    2) Sweet Potatoes
    3)I have to agree with Why Not? and Orbs!
    4) NO
