Here are my predictions for the election on Tuesday, and in no way represents any opinion but my own:
Barrett 44%
Walker 56%
Feingold 51%
Johnson 49%
House District #1
Ryan 65%
Heckelively 35%
State Senate
Lehmann 48%
Waanngard 52%
State Assembly 61
Turner 60%
Meyer 40%
State Assembly 62 (I really hope I'm wrong on this one)
Mason 55%
Wright 45%
Total Senate
D - 55
R - 45
Total House
D 211
R 224
John Boehner named House Majority Leader.
What do you think?
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I hope you are wrong.
About which one.....
Not so sure you are correct on your Lehmann and Barrett predictions. The others will probably go the way you say, mostly due to name recognition.
My phone is ringing off the hook with people asking me who I am voting for. I never answer the pre-poll surveys. Most people don't. Makes you wonder who actually is willing to take their time to participate in this nonsense.
It is very easy for sane people to get fed up with the dirty political ads and not go vote. I know I sure am tempted. Doing that, leaves the decision up to those who may be much less informed.....
I thought everyone was picking Johnson to beat Feingold?
I have no faith left in our political system whatsoever. No matter who wins, we, the people, lose. And that's far from funny anymore....
Feinie is toast.
Don't be surprised if Chris Wright wins as well.
Boehner. I can't stand that man.
My bets are on Beetlebaum 3rd race at the Meadowlands.
Dang, I can't wait until the day is over, the clock stuck 8am and my phone hasn't stopped ringing!
Does anyone have any idea how much money was pissed away on campaigning?
Combined it has to be close to a billion dollars...
Granted some money needs to be spent, but this year I believe it was out of control!
Well, I don't know your local races well...interesting that you think Feingold will pull it off. Lots of people have written him off. One other race I do have an opinion on: I think you are on target with Ryan. He's a safe seat.
The House is going to be close...maybe even closer than you predict. I woulnd't be surprised if the Senate was closer to, maybe 52-48 to the D's.
Here's a prediction: There will be enough close races that either the house or Senate will not have a party clearly in control by press time for tomorrow's papers. Hopefully, it will just be a few close races and not turn into another Bush/Gore thing.
For a guy that doesn't even put his own name on his yard signs, I think it might be a little difficult for Heckelively to pull out 35%. I'd guess mid to high 20s.
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