Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hubble Holiday Cards

As you start thinking about sending Chrimahannakwanzstice cards to your friends and family, the Hubble Space Telescope is offering a free set of holiday cards for you. You can print them out at a photo shop or even on your own printer at home. Many designs to choose from. Here is one of my favorites


Each card has a link to the original press release so you can find out what you are looking at and why it is significant. The cards are blank on the inside, so you have plenty of room for personal messages or to tell people about the image!

There are a couple of dozen designs to choose from...just don't wait until the last minute!

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. How cool! I wish I had a color printer. :( Wonder how they would look in b/w?

  2. Those are great. I downloaded one and played with it (the first one - that looks good in black and white, DA). I have a color printer, but didn't want to use the ink on a test run. Very nice.
