Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday



  1. It's 12:43 am, is that the start of the hump?

  2. I suppose so. I would guess that noon is the highest point of the hump. hale might have a more complicated theory.

  3. baby, it's cold outside!!
    I don't think I've gotten unstuck from the top of the hump, I think I need a push to get to the other side..

  4. The high today down here is only supposed to be 70 and I think we already hit that...downhill from here....oh dear. Low's in the 40's...brrrrrrrrr. Long-john weather for me.

  5. Different time zones make it a whole series of humps that propogate around the world.

  6. Today is the first day of metoralic (?) of Autumn..I think Maybe it's winter. Anyways the TV said sept oct nov are metoralic this must be the first day of winter. Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry

  7. Hahaha sassa. I can blather like that verbally, but I love that when I blather while writing, I can use the delete key. From now on... only converse with me via email! ;>

    p.s. 45 minutes to the hump... although, my work day is more than half over. Hmmmm... I'm blathering!

  8. Sassa, the word was probably "meteorological" - that means weather related. Winter officially begins on the solstice, Dec. 21, but I've always thought of December, January and February as winter, too. Usually, Jan. and Feb. are the worst. :(
