Hello everyone! Thank God, it's Friday! It's been a long week of overtime... This week's questions are about vacations.
1) When was the last time you took a vacation?
2) Where did you go to?
3) If you could just take a vacation right now, where would you go?
4) Where and when was your favorite vacation?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1. A little over a year ago we went to Riga, other than that we've been to the family's summer house on the west coast of Sweden this past summer.
2. see above question.
3. Somewhere warm and sunny not sure where exactly, just need those criteria right now.
4. My favorite vacation was Tallinn, Estonia.. I took that when I was 6 months pregnant with Mina so 4½ years ago.. It was a delayed honeymoon. Beautiful place.
the last one was a mini get away to my sisters house in Indiana. we can never stay long since she has a dog and I'm highly allergic, but it's still fun to get away, been there 3 times since our last 'real' vacation.
guess that answers the where, the when I can't quite remember, bad with dates, one of them we did as our family with my mom, the other 2 times I went with my other sister and did a sisters get away thing, great fun!
3. somewhere warm, I did like Hollywood, FL where a friend lived, I could walk that beach for hours, and to be around so many palm trees was amazing for this midwest chick
4 I would probably say our 1st trip to Florida maybe 6-7 years ago was my favorite, we went to spend my friends 1st Thanksgiving there with her, the weather was perfect, and on the way there and the way back, we stopped at relatives on either side of the state to visit them, and friends along the way, quite an ambitious trip, loved it!
1. Took a short trip to Wisconsin in October.
2. The main vacation was Red River New Mexico.
3. Where Logjam went.
4. Besides for the vacations in Eagle River when growing up, I have to say Deerfield Beach Florida. When we opened the door in the morning our first view was the ocean. It was lovely. Nice beaches.
Costa Rica
2005 and 2008 to Costa Rica
I love Costa Rica...just love it.
1. It has been a long time since I took a real vacation.
2. I've been to some really cool places.
3. Have to agree, warmth would definitely factor into the decision making.
4. I love California. The Big Sur area, south of San Francisco, taking Hwy 1 along the coast is the most beautiful place on earth. I've been there a couple times.
1) Last week
2) Refer to the pics 4 blogs down
3) Back
4) On the beach last week taking in the "scenery" (if you know what I mean).
1. Been so long I can't remember.
2. Smokey Mtn National park. (I think)
3. One of my old "In search of summer" vacations I used to do around the end of February. No map, no plans, just head south until there's green grass, leafed out trees, and a warm breeze. After a week of that, the bluster in march is easy.
4. None stand out as a favorite, but some stand out as more memorable.
1. September of 2010. Not really my vacation because I don't work, but my wife's vacation. She doesn't look at It that way though.
2. Between Park Falls, and Minocqua to a cabin.
3. Denmark (for good)
4. To California In 1960. I was 11 and my dad made certain we saw all the really neat sites. We saw the Grand Canyon, Great Meteor Crater, Mountains, Mormon Temple. We even swam in the Great Salt Lake. I should say we Floated. I will NEVER forget that trip.
1) I don't remember. Decades ago.
2) I don't remember.
3) Heaven.
4) Probably "up north" when I was a kid. We went to Hayward a lot.
1. Just got back last night!
2. This was my annual Disney Marathon trip.
3. Right now, probably St. Croix. I have been longing to go back and visit recently. (I say right now because many of the places I want to go are cold and snowy right now!)
4. Probably my Germany/Austria eclipse expedition.
1) The last time I had off work was late June/early July.
2) Summerfest/Up North
3) Hawaii, Florida, anywhere there is palm tree.
4) Probably Southern California in the summer/fall of 2009. Visiting Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County was fun. For the most part, the weather was great. Never saw a palm tree before then.
Another great place was Yellowstone National Park.
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