Well, I am going to try and take a shot at this volatile topic. Hope I can do it some justice and I will mention a few things I think the MSM is missing on this one.
First, the disclaimer. Many of you know I live in Tucson and I live in Giffords district so she is my rep. I have voted for her three times (don't worry, not in the same election!) She is not a perfect rep, but I have never had a doubt she was the better choice in her races. She has been rated one of the more centrist members of Congress (although here health care vote drew the ire of conservatives leading to her office being vandalized earlier this year). One of her strong passions is space science, not surprising since she married an astronaut. I should also mention that I am not in Arizona right now (Florida, Disney Marathon time) so the coverage I have gotten is the national coverage and not the local coverage from Tucson.
The first thing I think needs to be pointed out is that there are millions of people in this country that have not seen an assassination attempt on a major political figure. I was too young for the Kennedy's and King's assassination. I was in middle school during the Reagan assassination attempt and even though I was probably above average in political awareness for my age, hey, I was still in middle school. This was a little over 30 years ago, so people much younger than me probably don't remember it at all. This is something that happens in other countries to a huge chunk of our population. Some of my memories of Reagan's assassination attempt were of the doctors remarking how fit he was and he humor asking if they were Republicans (although I believe I have since read his injuries were potentially much more serious but the doctors did a bang up job).
And I got to say, I was pretty upset by the whole thing. I compare it to Michael Jackson's death. Sure, I thought it was too bad that Jackson died, but I pretty much went about my life at the time. Yesterday, I was glued to the news updates, had a sinking feeling when reports said she died and was on the edge of my seat when she was in surgery. And pretty damn pissed at the six deaths and other injuries (although fortunately, they are all out of he ICU except Giffords). I was tossing and turning last night having difficulty sleeping, thinking about what happened.
Which leads me to my second observation: I have yet to see a major news outlet call this an assassination attempt when that term obviously fits! An assassination is the murder of a prominent person, frequently for political reasons. The shooter obviously tried to do that so let's call it by it's proper name.
Now onto the media firestorm. Much has been made of Sarah Palin's map putting certain politicians in the crosshairs "targeting" them during the mid-term elections (now removed from her website but it's easy to find screen captures on the internet) and her "reload" tweet. Sharon Angle made her "Second Amendment solutions" remark as well. Many have talked about heated political rhetoric from selected politicians and commentators as having contributed to this tragedy. Her opponent in the most recent election held a "Get on Target for Victory" event where he invited donors to shoot M-16s with him.
At this point however, we simply don't know his motivations. He was captured but isn't talking. What role, if any, this rhetoric may or may not have played in the shootings is unclear. An investigation is underway. Maybe the guy will at some point come out and say "I was putting Palin's plan into action". He could end up saying "Sarah who now?" The early indications are the guy had problems before anyone knew who Sarah Palin is. Stating what role the rhetoric may have played is not possible at this point (of course, dismissing it out of hand is just as naive).
One more note on the rhetoric, I don't think Palin was advocating someone to go out and shoot these politicians. However, she should not be so surprised that when something like this happens, someone will bring it up and latch onto it, especially in the sadness, hurt and anger that accompany an event of this horrific nature. The fact that it was removed from her website so quickly after the shooting indicates she realizes that was an "oops" moment.
Finally, I think all the responders, EMTs and the staff of University Medical Center deserve a big shout out (that's where I was airlifted to after my accident last fall) for that they have done so far and I wish them continued success in their work.
I know this is a volatile topic and I have tried to express myself without being unnecessarily inflammatory. All I ask is that when you respond, you take a deep breath and do the same.
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12 hours ago
Do I think divisive rhetoric (by pundits, and entertainers) lead to this tragedy? Yes and a small no. I read much too often about how the Supreme Court ruled that you can't shout Fire in a crowded theater. Anyone making this statement of fact doesn't realize that the Supreme Court NEVER made a ruling about shouting fire. NO ONE was ever tried and convicted of it for the case to appear before them. Say what?
Oh my, am I blowing smoke? Nope, I had to study the case where this ruling came about as part of my Freedom of expression class in college. This case revolved around a political prisoner during WWII. What he was guilty of doing was fomenting an anti-war effort. He was advocating tearing up draft cards and refusing to be inducted into the military. Our governments answer to the problem was much like their Japanese-American answer. Lock him up without trial for the duration of the war.
As his unlawful imprisonment progressed through the courts, each tier reaffirmed the need to keep his voice silent. Once it was to the Supreme Court, they sat and thought about it. What they came up with was that anyone who attempted to subvert the will of the State, was causing undue harm to the country. They likened the act to, “Yelling, 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.” The very act of subversiveness had the same effect on the country's well being.
Are Radio and talk show personalities in some way guilty of yelling, “FIRE” to the person(s) pulling the trigger? I think they are the match that starts a conflagration. A Barn Fire starts as a single small flame. Mono Winged web sites that foment the radicals are the kindling. Neither side benefits from single minded street thug antics, but they happen all around us. The final fuel for the fire are the main stream web sites and news feeds. These blogs have become the foot soldiers of single mindedness. No shades of gray exist any longer. You're either with us or against us, choose a side.
And now the first shot has been fired. By a nut. Even nuts can be intelligent enough to use a computer and have reading comprehension enough to read and believe what a more discerning viewer would take for entertainment. That's the problem. The fire has finally spread to the wrong side of the Bell Curve and the walls are smoldering and ready to burn. I promise you there are substantial number of people either cleaning their weapons, locked and loaded, or prepping to get there. Do we step back from the abyss or watch as the walls reach ignition?
I would love to be a fly on the wall at the gun shops right now. It's true, the Right does have more gun lovers. It's a Nature of the beast sort of thing. Nothing against that. What I'd be concerned about would be if a large influx of Liberals started buying guns. Liberals are reactionary by nature, and when ired like a Sow bear, they protect themselves and their own. If this had been Obama getting shot, it would have been like throwing gasoline on the fire. We can only hope that that doesn't happen.
So, is Sarah and Ann, and Bill and Rush and O'Riely, and everyone one else at the top of the fire pyramid guilty? Only as much as that single small flame is guilty of igniting an inferno. They didn't attack the brainwaves of the tinfoil hat crowd and perform mind control, nope. They just entertained the masses, and the masses aimed the fringe. They were just used as the match that lights a Hurricane lantern that later falls into the hay.
Nope, find the one that pulls their strings and I'll show you the guilty one(s). The person guilty of lighting the match.
First of all, let me thank you for your thoughtful and well written blog, hale. I have notes here at my desk, trying to come up with a blog, but simply couldn't put together my thoughts in a clear fashion. I saw your FB comment and figured you would have closer knowledge, better insight.
We certainly are living in a troubling time. Violence is everywhere and it does seem that it is almost condoned. Horrible things happen and those committing the crimes are slapped on the hand and put back into their lives as if no real harm has been done. Violence is mainstream in the media: movies, games...etc. We are training the youth to be desensitized to the true horror associated with the real action of violence.
My first concern is, of course, for those who were directly involved, but I'm also concerned for our democracy as a whole. Who would even want to serve the population when mortal danger is so much a possibility if not a statistical probability?
I heard that the CIA/FBI were watching this individual due to wild and angry internet posts and escalating hate blogs written by him on social networking sites.
I wonder where we go from here. What does this do to society? Do we all need to worry about an angry mention of our mayor? Do we think twice before saying we don't agree with congress or the president? Do we need to worry about an increase in surveillance, invasion of our privacy, our emails being subject to interception? Does the pendulum swing too far to try to compensate for the problems we have ignored or actually created in the past?
We are currently subject to searches and pat downs before flying. What comes next? Is our society crumbling? Are the terrorists, both foreign and domestic winning?
Hale, I'm so sorry that she's your rep and that it happened in your town.
I don't know what to say at this point. I suspect the guy is a nut. If he was a trained assassin, he would take out his target and get out. This guy sprayed lead all over the place. And if that's the case, then the motive is often mixed with a desire for notoriety, which our media gladly give to our nuts. They're usually acting out of some frustration, trying to make a "statement."
What if the target had been a conservative? Would everyone be talking about divisive rhetoric then? Somehow, I think not.
JFK was my first assassination. I was 12 years old. There have been plenty since, and, to be honest, I thought some of the reaction to this tragedy has been over the top, the media working itself into a lather, but perhaps that is because, as hale pointed out, today's audience hasn't experienced an assassination attempt.
1st it always amazes me when you see leaders of European countries walking around the general public with NO guards. (Well none that we see) I have certainly said 'shoot the sob' at one time or another when something horrible happens but to actually do it...of course not. I wouldn't even consider blogging about it. But some people do blog and the nut-jobs see that as permission and agreement to do their thing. Like the TV says they should all be protected but you can't rule the general public in a bubble. So what do you do? Good question.
I received this in an email this morning....SER
----- Original Message -----
FromSubject: From Tucson, Arizona
Hi Friends and Relation
Today, Saturday January 8th 2011 was indeed a sad day for Tucson.
At 10:10 this morning, a gunman entered the Safeway supermarket parking lot, where we do approximately one quarter of our grocery shopping, and opened fire on folks in front of the super market. 19 people were hit, killing six and seriously wounding 13. Congress woman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head as she spoke with a small crowd. She was flown by helicopter to University Medical Center where she underwent surgery.
One killed was a 9-year-old girl and 5 others, one a federal judge. The wounded were flown to several Tucson hospitals.
The parking lot and the corner where it's located at Ina and Oracle Roads has been closed off all day as law enforcement City, County, State and Federal have been on the scene all day. I don't know if it's made all the media yet, but I'm sure it will be by Monday at the latest.
The shooter, a 22-year-old was tackled by a couple guys and held for law enforcement officers. Officials suspect there is one more involved, and are investigating. All TV networks in Tucson have had this on the news all day long, preempting all other programing.
Messages have been coming in from Senators and congressmen and women, and President Obama with condolences.
Candel light vigils are at the hospital and other parts of Tucson, Gabrielle Giffords' home town.
I'm sure you all will get this on National news broadcasts. Bye for now -- Clark
I am not trying to pick a fight, as I agree that this is a tragedy and an assassination attempt. I am so sorry this happened.
Mental disease had more to to with this jackass's beliefs than Sarah Palin did.
This is not a right vs left issue, no matter what the left tries to do to make it such. Howard Dean today on MSNBC said that the NRA is to blame for this. A congresswoman from Maine stated before Dean that right wing opposition to Obama and Health care did this. WTF. Seriously. As a thinking person Hale, I would hope you can look past the rhetoric and see this for what it is. A guy with issues did a horrible thing. Innocent people died due to his actions. It's a tragedy. But it's not a conservative thing to shoot your representatives.
My prayers go to the the victims and the injured survivors.
I think this guy was just a plain nut job who intended to kill a lot of people and then turn the gun on himself. Thank goodness people got him to the ground when they did.
Do I believe it was an assassination attempt on Ms. Giffords, yes I do and it should be labeled as such.
I also have to say that I am surprised it didn't happen sooner, given the political divide in this country.
Do I think people like Sarah Palin and other politicians need to tone done the rhetoric, yes I do. Do I blame them for this, no.
I was 9 when JFK was killed. On the night Bobby Kennedy was shot, my dad who works nights woke me up to watch what was happening. He said history was being made and I needed to see it. We both just sat there in stunned silence wondering what was going on.
It just takes one determined nut job to cause this carnage.
As for you Hale, this happened in your city, which makes it different. I think dealing with all your emotions will be easier once you get home. People there are probably experiencing the same exact ones your are. Trust me on that one.
Hale, excellent blog.
I was a young teen when Kennedy was assassinated...a young woman when Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed. It struck me to the core.
Reagan, I think that one startled me, but not the way the JFK, RFK and MLK events did.
As far as the rest...I won't comment in detail. Let's just say, I don't think any of them showed leadership qualities I want to see in our elected officials.
Which elected officials are you talking about?
In retrospect, I can understand why you reacted the way you did. Please dont get me wrong in any way. You are a very intellegent person. I respect you as a person, and if we ever met, we would have a great discussion of everything other than politics. I learn alot from you, and am glad your our resident scientist.
Just remember that one sick bastard did this, not a whole political sprectrum. Both sides do need to chill out however.
The ones that 'wannabe' elected officials, but aren't!
A well written and thoughtful blog, Hale. To be honest, I never read to much into depth into what happened in Tuscan. Yet, I can grasp the tragedy of this incident. A nutjob gunning down a politician for 15 minutes of infamy? I don't know.. This kinda reminds of murders of John Lennon and Dimebag Darrell.
Thanks for the thoughtful comments.
Stu, although your view may be shown that this guy is a lone nutjob may be proven to be correct (and I wouldn't mind if it was) I still think we don't know enough about it to say for sure. There may be twists and turns that come out in the investigation that no one expects that leave both sides of the political spectrum scratching their heads. You ask me to look past the rhetoric and I will, but I have to go where the evidence leads as well. I trust you will do the same as the investigation proceeds.
I agree Beejay, it would be differnet if I was home. Tonight the runner's club sponsored a special run in honor of those killed and injured. I would have been there.
And I see that finally some media outlets are referring to an attempted assassination. I thought they may have been avoiding the word for political reasons. The first references I saw were after charges were filed and one of the charges referred to assassination.
I hope my comments are not out of date as I was enjoying vacation today and haven't kept up with the news today.
Okay, now I am fucking pissed again. The Westboro Baptist church shitheads are planning to protest at a funeral in Tucson...the funeral of Christina Green, the nine year old who was killed, on Thursday.
I won't be back for that, but a counter-protests is already in the works and you I am sure these dickheads will be vastly outnumbered.
They also piss me off when they protest funerals of service men and women...their beliefs and tactics (while legal) have no redeeming value whatsoever.
I stand with you on that point Hale.
I just wanted to be sure you were not speaking about me. Thanks for clearing it up.
Just thinking outside the box.
What if it got out into the media that he was going to admit in court that one reason he did it was because of what he heard on talk radio and TV.
What damage would that do?
What would someone be willing to do to stop that from happening?
Could that be considered "Planning your own assassination"?
I think common sense and civility is is sorely lost. Protesting a funeral? That is insane and in such bad taste. How will that make this very sad situation better? We are no longer adults. Anything goes as long as you can justify it?
Even if he claims that he did it due to what he heard, that is not a defense. My mother often asked the rhetorical question, "if someone jumps off a cliff, does that make it right for you to do the same?" We all have personal responsibility to behave in a reasonable fashion.
I do not believe in guns and violence. It is never an option, no matter how wronged you feel you may have been. We have laws. If the laws don't cover it, then fix the laws.
Hale: I e-mailed this to my brother in Florida because he just sent me a link to the story that the majority of Americans polled (they didn't call me 57%) feel rehtoric didn't have anything to do with the shooting. HE doesn't agree, and were thing of moving to Denmark. LOL
I was not claiming he would use it as a defense.
He would just claim that he heard or read specific things on the radio, TV, newspaper, and/or internet that had an impact on his actions.
More and more evidence is coming out that this nutjob's actions were not political. But there is more evidence that if anything he was liberal rather than conservative, if he was anything. The left's accusations of "divisive rhetoric" have ironically come back to bite them in the butt.
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