Monday, February 28, 2011

It's........ ALIVE!!!

Expensive hobby, "Round 2." The mini mill that looks like a toy but isn't is now moving under computer control. I need to do some adjustments, but it is sweet. After burning out on the router, this sat 7/8 finished. I just didn't want to fight so hard and needed to get beyond the "Shit, what's wrong now?" frustration of bringing many different skills together alone and learning from the internet, books, and those that went before me. I won't say, "I get it now," and get smacked upside the head for being too bold. I will say this one was easier (I didn't pick up the hammer once!)

Tonight after plugging in all the cables, powering up the drivers, and putting in a program, I didn't have to hit the emergency stop once. Using a pen and pad of paper, it wrote EMC2 Axis. The good news is with the mini-mill I can fix the motor/lead screw bearing mounts on that blasted router. Is it Spring yet? I feel like the grass is turning green.


  1. I have no idea what a mini mill is. It is writing things? Do we need to make it a JTI author?

  2. I envy the joy you get from a hobby. I never really had one other than drinking. I've always worked on my vehicles to some extent, but that's maintenance and/or repair, not creation.

  3. Huck: Are you saying you have a problem with the lead screw or worm on the end of the armature? OR Is the router a part of your new mini CNC?
