Monday, February 28, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

The last Monday, and the last day, of February.  Good-bye! 


  1. that picture says it all, hoping for a much better week this week, last week was ugly. I've got my caffeine, that should help :)

  2. You guys are NOT to believe anything I tell you regarding numbers. I usally talk first and check facts later. Even my age...don't believe me when I tell you how old I am. Next subject: I was in Steins yesterday and all I could think of is..White coral bells upon a slender stalk...! LOL

  3. I'm glad we are in a new week. Somethings gotta give soon. Too much on my mind and the weather sucks.

    The roads were extremely slippery this morning. I was almost late because traffic had to proceed so slowly.

    Sassa, since you are having confusion with numbers, does that mean I could get a ridiculous deal on some Napoleon kringle? I have had such a hankering for that lately. I swear, put me in a room alone with one.... I could eat the whole thing.

  4. My husband and I have been together for 13 years today.. Married for 7 this summer.. time goes fast for sure.. Happy Monday everyone.. hope it will start out a good week.. here's to hoping..

  5. Napoleon kringle...dKK get two of them and I'll join you!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary Why Not! Hope you have a great day.

  7. Garfield? Really?

    I remember many years ago Garfield was in some television commercials (can't remember for what). The voice they used for him was totally different than the voice I had in my head all the years from seeing the comics. Don't you hate when they do that?

  8. Ha Ha Hale...I used to get that when I was young and listened to radio shows. Then came TV and the people didn't match what I thought they would look like.

  9. Go tulips! Go hyacinths! Go daffodils! Go crocuses!

    Congratulations, Why Not. Love is the most important thing in the world. Hang onto it with everything you have.

    I remember listening to DJs in the 60s and always being surprised when I saw their pictures.

  10. Thanks you guys..

    I'm with you Orbs, I'm looking forward to seeing some little green things sticking out of the ground.. but alas we are still covered in snow (have been constantly since mid November) and I think i will be awhile before we see grass.. Although they do promise us a few degrees above freezing these next coming days..

    I need spring!! and sun!! and warmth!!

  11. Orbs... One name comes to mind from the 60's DJ's. WLS Larry Lujack, the voice did not match the face. Wow.I think he and Imus were brothers.
