Monday, February 14, 2011

Open Blog - Valentine's Day

Who is your Valentine?


  1. Sorry. This blog was scheduled to post at midnight, but for some reason it didn't.

  2. My cat is my valentine. He's my lovey-dovey boy, when he wants to be.

    I can actually see portions of the ground in the backyard. A few days ago, there was a huge snowdrift out there.

  3. I guess it would be my husband, but I haven't asked him.. I'm terribly sick today and sound like a squeeky toy, my husband came home with a little pack of Ben & Jerrys and it felt wonderful on my throat.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day all! Smooches to all of the feminine JTIs!

  5. Why all of you are my valentine, of course!

    Smooch accepted, LJ (blushing) and one secret one back!

  6. I believe I have posted this in the past, but some of us celebrate Quirky Alone Day.

  7. the hubby and you all are my Valentines :)
    hugs for everybody :)

  8. Quirky Alone Day things tyo do include...
    "Ways to celebrate include: throwing a dinner party, buying yourself new underwear..."

    Then underwear buying must be a girl thing. Walking around all day in skivvies though is definitely a guy thing.

  9. I don't know about that, huck. I do it all the time, I guess we just don't talk about it... don't want to attract a crowd. ;>

  10. I thought Valentines are suppose to be secret so I can't say anything...I think

  11. I thought Valentines are suppose to be secret so I can't say anything...I think
