Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Melting, messy, mushy slush. 


  1. at least it's melting.. A lot of people complain about the slush and messy but I appreciate it, because it has to happen for spring to officially come in full swing.. I wish it would melt here.. Just stay safe and watch out for the icy patch..

  2. I fear no good will come out of today, we start a whole new system at work, it's going to be a very very long day, can I just go back to bed? please??

  3. When I had my own home I planted crocuses in my lawn...they come up and bloom before the first grass cutting. Always a sweet sign of spring. Just as soon as the snow melts! Right now I need some real fresh flowers.

  4. PS..I had a very nice birthday...went to eat breakfast with my friend Donna, worked (no free food!) then my son came over to see me at night. VERY nice! I need a 'google account?". Oh well I have one so there you all can't stop me. LOL

  5. Happy Belated Birthday, Sassa! Glad you had a good one.

    Lizardmom, just when you get the hang of the new system, they'll go back to the old one or another one.

    They're talking about 50 degrees tomorrow. From blizzard to balmy. A lot of this stuff should be gone by the weekend.

  6. I'm so sorry, Sassa! I had a cake all ready for you, but was having internet issues and have been burdened with tons of work. (Big work project due to end soon, yea!) Happy belated birthday. Hope it was very nice. I promise to be more prepared in advance for the next one!

  7. It's not your fault KK......I ate it!
    HBD Sassa

  8. So what happened to racineuncovered? I can not get it this AM.

  9. RU announced site maintenance last night. Maybe it's taking longer than expected.

  10. I am new to this site. Hello
