Monday, February 21, 2011

Personal Lawsuit Filed Against Mayor Dickert for Slander

"10:23 a.m. – MADRIGRANO, AIELLO & SANTARELLI, LLC located at 1108 56th Street, Kenosha. Wisconsin, has filed a lawsuit against John Dickert-Mayor and Candidate for Mayor of Racine. The law firm is representing William Bielefeldt, who is a former city employee who reported NSP violations to the State of Wisconsin. As stated in the complaint and documentation, this is a personal lawsuit and not one filed against the city"

My previous blog on the subject:

Party on, lying John!


Edit: the Journal Times now has a story up:


kkdither said...

I am very glad we have racineuncovered, who is not afraid to publish what is really going on in our city.

racineuncovered said...

I'm going to start doing it from Nassau Bahamas! LOL