Monday, February 21, 2011

Sugaring off time!!!!

If you have a Maple tree, this week is the time to drill a hole or two and tap some sap. They don't sell better syrup than what you can make on your own. I have some stiles (sap taps) if anyone here wants to try it. My friend from Maine sent me a small bag of hose barbed stiles and hose. I'm buying a different drill bit for this year. A "Brace drill bit." Last year i used a spade bit and tapped too early. The tree closed off the tap holes and you shouldn't drill too many per season. The little bit of syrup was gone in two pancake breakfasts, but oh so sweet and buttery tasting. Roll your eyes and moan good.


  1. would love to try that sometime.. don't think I have any maples around me though.

  2. Looking out this morning, it seems too early to start... yet.

    Liz and I went out to fellow blogger (although missing lately) cyndi's house when she was tapping her trees. It was very interesting to see.

    Huck, what do you use to boil it down? The fuel seemed to be a significant task that added $$$ to the process. Her end product was good and sweet, but tasted more like honey or boiled sugar than maple syrup. She was tapping silver maples.

  3. I just assumed you do this only to Sugar Maples. Can you do it to any maple? Different species probably give different flavored syrup.

  4. it was sure yummy :)
    I don't think I have the patience it would take to do it tho
