Thursday, February 24, 2011

Undocumented Alien wife hunting.

Okay, how do I do it? They used to have mail order brides. I think I could use one. Sure not happy with my prospects around here when it comes to available women. Maybe even a five year indentured servitude for bringing em in country. Where would a guy start?


  1. You don't need a woman...Get a cat. Cheaper and they create less hassle:)

  2. Tim is right..if you can deal with a cat for 6 months you can deal with any woman in the world. There is always Craigs List and Ebay. There are also grocery stores, churches, a column in the Journal, pictures at the post office, retirement homes. Good luck!

  3. Google "Mail Order Brides." You get a lot of Russian wives sites.

  4. Don't want a Russian bride. Met one once. A real pretty Princess. The most finicky cat in the world has better manners. I owned a cat for many years. Of course Honky was a dog in cat's fur. She played fetch, came when I called her, and loved belly rubs. She had her own pet door and came and went as she needed. I've never had as good a cat since. The last cat lasted less than three days. Shredded shower curtain, destroyed plants, trashed picture window curtain... No, I'll look for an illegal first.

  5. Good luck. I don't know where to look. Are you thinking Hispanic, or any illegal? It might help to know Spanish.

  6. I guess if you can get a cat that cooks, cleans the toilet and howls once in awhile... you have it made (or is that maid?) Boy, am I cranky or what today? I like Charlie. He is a cat with savoir-faire.

  7. thought maybe you were looking for a green uniquely shaped alien :)
