Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Awesome Saturn Flyby Video

Ever want to fly around Saturn, its rings and moons? This is about as close as we are going to get for a while. A website called Outside In is working on an IMAX movie fly through using Cassini images. No CGI here, this is the real thing.

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation from stephen v2 on Vimeo.

On a side note, I want people to remember that this is one of those great things about having NASA data freely available to the public. People can use the images to create new works of art without lots of red tape and restrictions.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. I agree that it's beautiful. I hope they get the movie finished.

  2. I watched this when you posted it on FB this afternoon. It's awesomely beautiful to watch! I do hope they make the movie.
