I want to express my deepest sympathies and condolences to the people of Japan. The tragedies which have befallen their nation are horrific. I pray for the rapid rescue of survivors and the swift rebuilding of their country. May the nations of the world extend their goods and helping hands to Japan. May we each do what we can.
You can meet and greet the candidate that I endorse for mayor of Racine, Alderman Eric Marcus, at upcoming forums and meetings. Racine Uncovered has all the details as usual with one of their informative articles: http://racineuncovered.org/?p=32165 I’ve taken the liberty of copying the list of Mr. Marcus’ appearances from RU and reproduced it below. I hope they don’t mind. You can meet Mr. Marcus as early as tomorrow:
March 17th – Racine Taxpayers’ Association Candidate Forum – 7pm
March 18th WRJN Radio Candidate Forum - 9am
March 19th WRJN – 9:30am
March 21st Landlord’s Forum - Buckets - 6pm
March 22nd Dino’s Restaurant “Meet the Candidate” - 6pm
March 24th City Haul Lounge “Meet the Candidate” – 3:30pm
March 25th Marcus Historic Home at 1520 College Avenue “Meet the Candidate” – 6pm
March 29th Greater Mt. Eagle Missionary Baptist Church Candidate Forum – 6pm
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, my beloved Irregulars! Don’t forget, the holiday starts tomorrow, Thursday, March 17th:
Unlike the fellow in the above video, please use a little restraint if you intend to celebrate tomorrow. You should wait until at least noon before you start guzzling booze. Oh dear no, I’m sorry, that was a sick joke. Please use a designated driver or a cab if you’re going out tomorrow to have some drinks. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to any of my precious Irregulars. I so appreciate you taking the time each week to stop by and peruse my blog. We are family and must watch out for each other. If any of you happen to accidentally overindulge tomorrow and have no way of getting home, please contact me and I will astral project you to your destination. Be forewarned, however, that astral projecting is an inexact science at best, especially when second party transportation is involved. You might be better off staying sober than risk ending up embedded in one of your home’s walls. Oh my.
Learn the secrets of your future or bury those of your past – contact Madame Zoltar®: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com.
Watch out for that green beer, my dears! It has left more than one reveler a little green around the gills. I love you all and wish you a wonderful week! Ranunculaceous!
Thank you, Racine Uncovered and Mme. Z, for the info on Eric Marcus. It has been a long time since I voted for someone instead of against someone. I'm looking forward to it.
Madame Zoltar, you have to show up, I do believe it would shock the hell outta a few of them...!
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