Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First Robin of Spring

I hurriedly shot that through a window at a distance, that's why it's fuzzy. I didn't downsize the photo, just cropped it.  The little bugger had his back to me for the pic and then flew away.  I know drew said he saw a robin during our blizzard, but I figure that guy just got blown off course.
Edit: I drove down Pershing Drive today so I snapped some pictures of the snow piles SER referred to in his recent blog: Their melting is also an indication of spring.  As you can see by the pics, we ain't quite there yet:


  1. Orbs I agree with you about Drew. I think he just is seeing things. That is a good picture through a window and from a distance.

  2. I hope he had a good hiding spot with the hail last night!!!

  3. Those snow piles are so dirty...

  4. I was down there a couple days ago. It was so dirty and disgusting... just black mounds with trash mixed in.

    I had the opportunity to look out one of the school windows today and there were hordes of robins all over the grounds. I'm thinking they must have just flown in today, there were so many in such a concentrated space! Do they migrate in flocks?

  5. there were so many in such a concentrated space! Do they migrate in flocks?

    They might be flocking up to have a poopfest on Walker head when he is around this Friday!!!!

  6. Hmmm.... maybe. They did have a poop fest on my car! There are several new "polka dots" on the top and sides. How do they manage to hit the sides????

  7. It suddenly hit me: the snow piles look like the old coal piles at W H Pugh coal yard next to the river, where the Pugh Marina and Chartroom and that other restaurant are now. There was a large overhead crane on rails that arranged the coal into huge piles. Stuff like that was great to watch as a kid.

    Our home was heated by coal then. My dad would go downstairs and shovel it into the furnace to keep it going. Most of our neighbors were the same.

  8. I saw a couple of robins yesterday. Pretty fat ones, too.
    Today.. 6" of heavy wet snow.
    At least it covered all the dirty piles of snow, I guess.

  9. I was looking for some pictures of Pugh’s coal piles by the river and found this:

    Old Post from the JT about Racine

  10. Birds of a feather flock together, besides it's spring... we all know what the robins and other birds do in the spring.
