I know you and your wife are really tight, but some things can test the best marriages. It turns out that Florida is considering a bill that would
allow construction of a columbarium at Daytona International Speedway to house urns containing the ashes of race fans. You could spend eternity live tweeting (theological question: Do they have twitter in heaven?) NASCAR races.
Or are you holding out for Talladega or Michigan International? Is the Florida legislature really that anti-family that it would risk tearing families apart of burial disputes? Will people who are interned here literally be continually spinning in their graves?
Or would your wife say, "Cool!"
Please folks, no comments about Floridians.....I'm sure our Govenor Snake Face came up with this.
Considering that Dayton is already holy ground, I can understand this. It's no different then people sneeking to the rail at Lambeau to sprinkle ashes on the frozen tundra.
Forget the columbarium. Sprinkle me in the pits!
I would be holding out for Bristol Motor Speedway, however.
And yes they tweet from Heaven. JC has a twitter! @JesusChrist
To me this is no different then you spouse tossing you ashes in the Mississippi River if you are a fisher person, or in the woods.
Makes no never mind to me what they do with your ashes, if it makes you happy while you are alive go for it!
There is the myth that this is illegal. I guess the legality varies with the location chosen:
Good information KK, I guess it is time to go pre-plan.
Ha Ha one of the advertisements said Urns for less (less body weight?) and Express delivery..in case you have an emergency cremation coming up. Funny Sorry maybe that was in poor taste..oh well.
I also looked into donating my body for science in Wisconsin. I had heard they tatoo your foot so the mortuary knows what to do. I was excited about that. Anyways they said you have to pay for the shipping of the body to Madison. The boys said they would do me in their burn barrel in the back yard and put me in a hills bros coffee can. Then they could have me for 4 months each.
WOW Sassa, now that's what I call pre-planning. At first when you mentioned the coffee can, I had weird vibes thinking they were going to be brewing you. I looked into donating my body for science as well, they turned me down. lol I think I beat KK to the punch.
What was I supposedly punching????
Nothing KK,you were not punching anything, my bad. Even good intentions or intent to joke go bad.. I will be quiet for awhile. Sorry.
I want them to do a "burial at sea" with me in Lake Michigan.
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