Under right-to-work statutes, employers are forbidden from entering "closed shop" agreements with employees, which make membership in a union a requirement for all employees.
Reference: Right to Work
Personally I think it is wrong that a person is forced to join an organization to be able to work and feed his/her family!
And I also think it is TOTALLY wrong that businesses treat their employees so bad employees have no choice but to have a union. Racine Unified is one of those “businesses” which require a union because of the way they treat their people.
The Senate just voted today (Wednesday)to limit union bargaining for public employees and the assembly will vote on Thursday. The AWOL 14 senators first announced their return after the Thursday vote and then changed to say they were not returning.
This was like getting socked in the stomach.
One hoped a compromise could have been reached.. and no I don't think it would have worked if the "AWOL" 14 were actually in Madison..
The budget bill is still not activated, because of lacking senate quorum. The bill limiting collective bargaining for public employees, come up for assembly vote today (Thursday) and then needs governors signature. You can bet that union lawyers are reviewing every word now.
I heard it stated best this morning by a UW-System big-wig. She said the system just went from a state funded system to a student funded system. Higher education will be unavailable to most. This was so not the answer.
You tax base won't change, the funding has shifted to corporations, funding more police, investigators and roads... not saying those things can't use it. Well, maybe we already give enough to corporations?
It is a new Wisconsin until voters can make a change and remove this representation who think it is okay not to listen to voices of concern from all sides. Education has become gutted. Period. If you complained before about the trash in the city, you haven't seen anything yet.
Pretty bad when a school board member is crying when desperately extending a contract which devastates its workers, their families and opens up proposed legislation to pass which will rape our communities students just to try to keep our schools open. As we sit, there is still a 5-7 million gap to address.
Thank a teacher today. They need your support. They have taken a beating along with our city and its children.
Rape? Seriously........
The trouble is supply and demand. If someone does not like (to join) the union the company has 30 people who can take your job. Unions were created to make work place legal and 'likeable'. It gave you vacations, 40-hour weeks, vacation, child laws. If unions pass a regulation more likely you would get the same benefits the following year. That is if most of the companies had unions. This was displayed when the auto unions were together and did strike for a benefit. (In earlier years it was obvious) I remember when $100 was taken out of every union member's pay at J I Case to support the strikers in Detroit. But one or two companies with unions won't cut it. S C Johnson started off by giving their employees everything to keep the unions out. Companies usually do not give employees anything that will affect the bottom line. But there comes a time when unions ask for too much. It boils down to jealousy. Why should a few get so much and I have to scrimp on groceries to buy medicine? How can a person with a major drug problem keep his/her job (medical addiction) when they do drugs and I get fired because (simple answer) the boss doesn't like me? Why do I have to pay for health insurance and get assistance when others are getting health care paid for for life? They can retire with excellent retirement that they hardly paid for and I have to get a job to survive in my old age. My fault..could be. Anyways those are my feelings. And I know they aren't yours.
The class rooms for the schools have enough kids in them. If you cut more teachers out then how are the kids going to get the help that they need in schools. They are also cutting money for the kids for college which is not fair either. But they want you to have a degree for a job. My heart goes out to the teachers because they all do there best with the kids in the schools.
They don't understand that the union is part of peoples retirement or they just don't care. They sit there in the capital and they have the money to retire but to me they just don't care about the people out here. They take our jobs from here to other countries. Then they wonder why unemployment is so high. Stop cutting our jobs so we can make a living.
To me the money that should be cut is in the capital. Take there money and see how they feel. See if they can make it with less money.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a modest living. A way to be able to work and live and then one day be able to retire with dignity. It shouldn't be because I don't have it you shouldn't either. The unions have worked hard for their members so they can live comfortably and spend time with their families. Unions may not be perfect and by all means if something needs to be fixed then lets do it, but to take away their power to protect their members is ridiculous. I would wish that all working people would be able to work a 40 hour work week and be able to live comfortably private and public workers. It's sad that they have to take away from all instead of trying to figure out how to make that possible for all workers. All of this while giving corporations more tax breaks.. Nice I see who is important.
If job creators are important then by all means we should especially be supporting and standing up for those that mold future job creators.
PS did you see where the Kenosha Unions got real mad because they took Viagra off the 'medicines needed' list?
WTF: Do we have to be juvenile? There are other non-sexual connotations/definitions to that word. See #2 and #3.
1. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
2. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
3. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
It is useless to argue whether a union is good or bad, that argument could go on all day and night.
But could someone tell me why, Osters, Hamilton Beach, part of Modine, Jacobsen, Sheridan and the list goes on moved down south?
I use to hear, they’ll be back, those hillbillies down there are to lazy to work and all they will do is produce junk. Well I’m still waiting for these companies to return!
BMW, Toyota both built new plants down south. We are talking millions of dollars investments and thousands of jobs.
So what are these southern states doing to attract manufactures? What ever it is, Wisconsin need to do the same!
I was surprised to see this, I guess I always thought all the school systems where unionized!
UW LaCross
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