(picture thanks to National Geographic)
Have you gotten bit by the spring cleaning bug yet?
Common symptoms of such bites include but are not limited to -
- Unnatural urges to clean things that you'd rather not
- Strange compulsions to go thru things that aren't bothering you
- Need to evict of dust bunnies
-Abnormal inclination to go into great detail
while cleaning/organizing/sorting, etc
- Friends ask if you're feeling ok
- Kids and/or significant others look scared
- Friends are afraid to come over in fear they may catch it
No rashes are expected, but strange behavior is,
be careful out there, if you haven't been infected yet,
it could happen anytime!
If you have been bitten, hop to it, it's the only way to
flush it out of your system.
hubby is out of my hair for a bit and I'm taking full advantage of this affliction, look out, he won't be able to find ANYTHING when he comes home bahahahaha (evil laugh)
Thankfully, I have not been bitten by the bug. My place is a pigsty and I'll get to it, piece by piece, as I can. Usually, one day I just get grossed out by an area and go to it. I thought the bathroom had finally gotten to me last week, but it still remains uncleaned. Oh well.
In fact, I'm so far behind, I haven't removed the winter snow weights from the bed of my truck yet.
Orbs, if you remove them, you know it'll snow, you're keeping them for the safety of us all!!
Tell that to my gas mileage. It usually goes up in the spring and I keep wondering why it hasn't.
You know, given the price of gas today, it is insane that they are still in there. That's it! I'm unloading them tomorrow. See, LM, you're as infectious as ever with your cleaning fever.
Shirley you jest? Orb's. You and me, Me and you? could never be the Odd couple. I think we are the same?
oh no Orbs, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneeze on you :( hope you recover soon :)
I cleaned out my closet today.
I went fishing and caught a crap today.
As for clean...I really need to dust verses letting it get 1/4 in high on everything...grrrrr.
A crap? Hmmm.
Drew, I have two closets (one is huge) that need cleaning. How much do ya love me, baby?
Actually, my bathroom and kitchen aren't all that bad. I'm aware of what bacteria can do. And I do the laundry weekly. But me and the vacuum cleaner don't spend too much time together, and, like SER, dusting has never been my "thing."
I've gone through things like closets and cupboards but the big cleaning I'm holding off on.. I like to make sure the house is really clean when we go to the States, so I know things will be pretty clean (although somewhat dusty) when we get back.. I know if I clean it a big cleaning now I still have 2½ weeks to make it gross again.. but I have been feeling quite antsy..
I'm Stoughe today I guess.. (my husbands account)
I've conquered all the kitchen cabinets, my closet, one hallway closet, and made lists LOL!
I still more progress to make in the office, especially the closet, yikes!
my most daunting projects are integrating a pile of printed out recipes into my recipe binders, but the worst that I keep putting off is my picture project, I have boxes downstairs I need to go thru, downsize, organize and find a home for, scary stuff for sure!
the office is 33% done, tedious stuff to go thru and to finish the closet, but it looks tons better than it did a month ago :)
Keep your germs to yourself, Liz. That is one bug I might need, but don't want! I keep saying I like my organized clutter. ;>
Dang, LM is on a roll again. Get out of her way or you'll be cleaning and organizing everything in sight, too.
If I get too organized and tidy, I can't find anything.
My grandma used to say that when you finally get all your work done, you die. I'm deliberately leaving things messy. I'm not ready yet.
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