Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journal Times Lies for Dickert Again

That's right, first quarter home sales for last year were 348, and this year they were 316.  That is UP for the Journal Times.  You have to read the story to find out that they are comparing today's sales to those of two years ago.  This is deliberately misleading.  I am so sick of these out of town swine lying for Dickert.

Can the citizens of a city sue a newspaper for reporting lies to them, lies that lead them to make the wrong decisions?  If our newspaper won't report the facts, how the hell are we supposed to know what's going on?

Party on, lying pigs!

Btw, here's a link to a real news story that tells the truth: http://www.jsonline.com/business/119629239.html


  1. Orbs.. I canceled my subscription for the JT a few years ago, if everyone did this, how could they stay afloat? The only person I felt sorry for was the delivery guy, he did a good job.

  2. They just about GAVE me the paper for free. In fact, I was getting such a sweet deal, I MADE money off of the Sunday coupons. I STILL quit them. A company with this type of moral character does not deserve to be in business. They will print anything that they feel will sell a paper: lies, deception, ethics do not even make the consideration list when it comes to printing. And don't even get me going on the online activity concerning allowable comments and moderation!!!

  3. Even worse, the damn editor/publisher, whatever, the top dog for the JT, is now my new neighbor. Just wait until the block party.

  4. With further consideration... Why should the JT be held to any standard to tell the truth?

    Government and society as a whole are going to hell. You have vague campaign promises to balance the budget, then shift the burden onto one small sector; you allow those who defy campaign contribution laws and get away with a small fine; you allow governments to dose their people with radiation, claiming ignorance; you have illegal aliens breaking laws without consequence; you have rapists and child molesters walking the streets without follow up; you have corruption and nepotism beyond being rampant; you have laws that can be bent in relation to whatever pocketbook and material resource can buy; you have lie, upon lie, upon lie without concern to others.

    What morals, what standards are we teaching and demonstrating to our youth?

  5. Very well put KK, and that is just in Racine.

  6. That's part of that "half full, half empty" theory.

  7. KK: If you were up here, you would see what a BUNCH of the youth are. It's scary. They are headed down the tubes, and I don't think any of them understand. Not even a little. Thank GOD my Grandkids don't fit the norm here!!!

  8. “Government and society as a whole are going to hell. You have vague campaign promises to balance the budget, then shift the burden onto one small sector; you allow those who defy campaign contribution laws and get away with a small fine; you allow governments to dose their people with radiation, claiming ignorance; you have illegal aliens breaking laws without consequence; you have rapists and child molesters walking the streets without follow up; you have corruption and nepotism beyond being rampant; you have laws that can be bent in relation to whatever pocketbook and material resource can buy; you have lie, upon lie, upon lie without concern to others.”

    Geez, kk, that’s my material. If you believe it, too, then I’m really depressed.

    jedwis, is your new neighbor the publisher who came here from Hawaii? When he arrived in town, he tagged along with Dickert for a few days and then wrote his Ten Year Plan for him. Wtf?

    Obviously, I get really, really, really upset with the Journal Times’ interference in our local politics. Calling people pigs and swine is childish, I know, but it’s my only way of venting my spleen without serving prison time. I so miss the Racine Post. Dustin leans left (that is an observation, not a criticism), but I believe we received the most objective local news from the Post.

    The Journal Times changed their online headline for this story, but that must be, what, 0.1% of their audience? I don’t subscribe, so I had to borrow my neighbor’s paper to scan the image for this blog, but the other 99.9% received the lie shown here.

    I think my outrage is seated in my regard for language. I consider it sacred. kk has pointed out the power in one of my favorite quotes from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” See how the pigs (literally this time) use the power of language against the other animals with the artifice “more equal.” That’s what the Journal Times does to us. It uses language against the citizens of Racine, instead of for us.

  9. I can't hardly read or watch the news anymore. It just keeps getting more and more personal, more and more unbelievable.

    People have had enough. They are running to the windows and yelling... "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." The problem is, no one is listening.

    I keep telling you, orbs.... you are very sane. The world has gone f'ing nuts.

  10. I agree KK, I turn off the news and listen to my old time "rock & roll"

  11. jedwis, that's what I end up doing anyways....

  12. Don't worry...it was not intended to be a factual statement (as our senator from Arizona has taught us is okay).

  13. Drew, nothing better than a little Led or Queen at 5:30 am.
