Monday, April 18, 2011

Open Blog - Monday



  1. Ok sorry to do this to you, but oh man it's a BEAUTIFUL day here.. Have more energy than I know what to do with.. we will start the day by decorating their Easter baskets and then spend the day at the park I think.. I suppose I should clean some, but the girls are home all week and feel like having fun now that we are finally getting some nice weather..

  2. after resting for 2 days in a tropical vaporized room all weekend, so far this is the best I've felt in days, we'll see if that stays true til I get home from work!

  3. Snowing not looking forward to this...

  4. Lizardmom I am glad you are feeling better and I hope you still feel good when you get home.
    I am not looking forward to going out in the snow today. I know it is going to be cold out there and I do not like the cold and snow. I hope everyone is careful when they go outside today and I hope everyone has a good day.

  5. Mondays' are great. Snow, rain, sleet, whatever.. this too will pass.. lets' all enjoy the day.

  6. Sunny and warm here...nice morning.

    Getting set for my trip to Washington State with the big guy. Lots to do in the next three days! Yikes!

  7. Wow, we are going to be in the 80's and better than that, no 40 mph winds.
    Why Not - sounds like you are going to have a great day!

  8. We have to be reaching the stink limit. I don't think things can get much more stinky.....

    P.S., I want some of whatever jed is on!

  9. KK, you know I will always share with the class. It's all about the attitude and positive thoughts, TM helps too. lol

  10. That was just winter lashing out as it leaves. The backyard was covered in snow this morning but it's already gone.
