Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Snake Removed From Car's Engine "

Darn. It would hsve been nice to post this before Beejay left on her trip. Were her and Biggie D driving?


SER said...

Dang it was HUGE.......

I think the flew to Washington...

kkdither said...

Never have Wal-Mart replace your serpentine belt? EEE-yuck. I might have to sell the car if they took that out of it.

OKIE said...

Good grief. In Florida a woman found a 7 foot alligator in her bathroom. He came in thru the doggy door. Can you imagine?

OrbsCorbs said...

Where was the dog?

kkdither said...

There was at least one cat in the house too... I would imagine they found a very good hiding place, as they were unharmed.

I wouldn't do well in the south. I can't even handle a random centipede when it shows itself after dark!