I think I might have caught a bit of that spring cleaning bug from Lizardmom. I don’t have a full blown case, but I suddenly find myself cleaning up little sections of the house one at a time. Before I know it, I’ll have the whole place done. Well, except for Junior’s room. That, I believe, is beyond cleaning. Demolition is more like it.
I’d like to point out that under Local News in the sidebar, the JTI now has a link to the Journal Times Events Calendar, which is a very handy place to find out what’s going on and what’s coming up in the area. Thank you, Journal Times.
And thank you, Racine Uncovered, for your ongoing efforts to keep our Mayor and City Hall on the up and up. I’ve been working on Mr. Mayor’s mojo and some cracks are showing. I will keep applying my powers to this until the spell is broken. Racine Uncovered is like our political Mother Teresa, tirelessly giving of herself for the betterment of her fellow citizens. Thank you, again.
And thank you, Mother Nature, for the splendiferous show. Most trees are budding in now and a green canopy awaits us on many streets. I see flowering trees and shrubs everywhere. Tulips and daffodils abound. Soon people will plant their annuals and the colors will be a dazzling array. Such beauty! I just love spring.
And I just love you for stopping by to read my blog. Thank you so much, my dear, dear Irregulars. Thank you for having the JTI and thank you for having me as a part of it. You are a wonderful group of people and I bless you all.
Send your spring bouquets to: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com.
Have a great week, each and every one of you. I look forward to our next get-together. Senor Zanza and I may have an important announcement to make at that time. Be mindful of all the other people walking, running, skating, driving, and riding out there. A lot of them will be on cell phones or texting. Stay alert. Oikofugic!
wow, I feel so influential :)
Cleaning isn't fun but the end result of the gnarly tasks is almost worth it. This too shall pass haha!
Madame, I have your best interest in mind. Things are moving a bit quickly with you and the Senor?
I love the new growth of spring and the color returning. There is usually a day where it hits me, like, "I made it, I survived." I would miss the changing of the seasons if we moved to JTIsland. I love fall and winter would be okay... but around here, it is so long; it tests your strength (remember shoveling those insane 6 foot drifts over your head?)It not only affects the body, it does more than irregular things to the mind.
I don't think that the Mayor and City Hall call me "Mother Theresa". I have a feeling it's the other side of the spectrum. I will accept your compliment, but please remember.. this is our city, we live here, we have the right to expect things from our government and our leaders. We have the right to question and keep questioning things until we get the truthful answers. I care about Racine I still don't know why (I'd rather be in Florida believe me, my health would be a hell of a lot better).
Anyone can do what I have done. I was raised that if you see something wrong and you do nothing about it, it's as bad as doing it yourself. You don't look the other way because it doesn't affect you, you stand up for everyone.
Madame & LM good luck on the spring cleaning bug, but I think Why Not has you both beat, for gosh sake she is moving bathtubs around. KK let me know when you get the bug so I can purchase some stock in SCJ. lol
BTW, RU you are terrific
I think the spring cleaning bug is a good bug, like there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. I concur with Mr. jedwis about Ms. Why Not - she is doing the cleaning for an intercontinental crossing. I must say that I love the idea of those removable bathtubs. Wouldn't it be great if you could rearrange your plumbing fixtures like your furniture? Oh my.
Thank you, Ms. kk, for your concern for me. I know that it comes out of respect and love, which I also have for you. Perhaps the announcement that Senor Zanza and I may be making is not the one that you think. I don't like playing coy with my dear Irregulars, but Senor Zanza is a very private man. More to follow, I hope...
I agree that the intensity and duration of our winters can cause some mental irregularities amongst us. Perhaps our JTIsland could feature, say, a month of winter in December? That way everyone could enjoy winter fun and have a white Christmas without the long, dragged out incarceration in the deep freeze.
Ms. RU, you deserve all the accolades that you receive. I agree with you about doing the right thing when you witness a wrong, but so few people actually do that these days. It is encouraging and empowering to see you do that on a daily basis. You set the bar of responsibility and good citizenship right where it should be for the rest of us. Please keep up the good work, but always take care of yourself first, dear. We love and appreciate your efforts on behalf of Racine.
test test
WooHoo!! I can post again!!
as I wrote before... I hope you get your cleaning done Mme. Z.. I myself took the day off.. I was thoroughly exhausted today.. after tearing this house apart for a week straight and cleaning till my fingers bleed (quite literally), I needed to take it easy..
Yesterday I was on a train that was forced to stand still for over 3 hours due to a train ahead of started on fire. It was a goods train and no one was hurt, but it was miserable for us.. I think also why I needed to take it a little easier today..
As for this JTI island.. I like the idea of 1 month winter.. I'd take 1½months of fall around Halloween and Thanksgiving, and the rest of the year could be divided equally into spring and summer.. yup sounds good to me..
Yea, WhyNot! Was your inability to post due to the third party cookie issue? I hope I was able to help. I like your plan for the weather. I'm in!
What is with the first names showing up all of a sudden?
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