Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a rather short week. Time just flew....Well, just some random questions off the top my head this morning....
1) If you were a billionaire, would you live lavishly or modestly?
2) Whom do you consider a hero?
3) How many clocks do have in your house?
4) Do you know how to swim?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1. I would hope modestly, with a few luxury items.. I do have to say though that whenever I would fly I would definitely be flying first class, you should have seen those seats..
2. I don't have specific names but the doctors and nurses that work for things like doctors without borders and the like.. I think it's amazing..
3. 6 I think.. without taking into considerations watches and cell phones that also tell you the time..
4. Absolutely, used to be quite good at it in high school, but that was a long time ago as I learned when I went swimming this past weekend..
oops, it's Why Not? on my husbands computer..
Why Not.. you're too funny. Drew, you had two weeks to prepare for this? j/k
1. I would help with the economy
2. All of those who came before me and improved our quality of life
3. I'm like Kramer I don't need clocks, I tell time by the sun...when the sun is not out , it makes it more difficult.
4. yes, very well, and I also know how to sink.
1. Modestly. I've had the chance to be well off and famous to a point and tend to shun it. I really don't understand fame and hero worship, and being in the spotlight like that makes me uncomfortable.
2. Just about anyone that gives of themselves to make the world a better place.
3. Five, but only three are right.
4. Yes, but since losing my balance, water scares me as I don't know which way is up if I go under. I'm forced to hold panic in check, let out a little air, and follow the bubbles.
1. Modestly....I'm not flamboyant by nature. Except for when I flew...I'm with Stoughe...I've been flying 1st/business class and I think I'd continue that practice (mine were mostly from frequent flyer miles).
2. There are many that I could bestow that title upon. My Dad, who courageously fought terminal cancer. My late husband, who beat the odds for living with heart failure and lasted almost 25 years after diagnosis. The doctors would provided care to both of these people. The man in my life who goes above and beyond to make sure I am not taken advantage of by unscrupulous people (relatives). And many, many more.
3. Actual clocks? One...the rest are on appliances
4. Yes.
1. modestly with a VERY nice house..in Mexico
2. People who save and care for animals.
3. 2 totally time clocks
4. Yes..took swimming lessons at Washington Park pool (the one with an island) during the summer between 6 th and 7th grade.
NOTE to those who need to be bussed for 10 blocks to school...We walked from (next to) Park High north through the golf course path then through Lincoln field to State st. To and from..and it was no big deal.
1. Modestly, but with nice things. I don't like a lot of clutter or glitzy things.
2. My heroes wouldn't look like heroes to others. They are people who give of themselves more than they take... the ordinary people who go to work every day, aren't looking for fame, but do more than is asked. They quietly bring happiness and peace to those around them. They take care of their families and strangers when the true need arises.
3. Way too many to count. I can see 4 clocks right now without turning my head. LOL
4. I'm not the best, but I won't drown. Had a decent sized pool when we were kids. I still don't like putting my head under.
5.? I don't know what walking to school has to do with this, but I, too, walked 2.5 miles (5 round trip) to and from Park. Kids have become Nintendo couch potatoes. I think some of that comes from the "stranger danger" worry that parents feel the need to keep them closer and protect them more.
1. Modesty. I was out shopping last week and found a cute cotton top - for $100. Even if I were a billionaire I'd still refuse to pay $100 for a cotton top.
2. People who give their time to help others.
3. Too many. With the thunderstorms last night knocking out power for a few minutes, we had a lot of clocks to readjust this morning.
4. Enough to stay afloat for a little while.
Did I miss question # 5?
1) live lavishly or modestly? Like an animal!!!
2) Whom do you consider a hero?
3) How many clocks do have in your house?
All of them
4) Do you know how to swim?
Yes, also have a scuba cert for open water diver
1) Modestly. I'd give most of it away. Nobody needs a billion dollars.
2) I don't know.
3) 4
4) I can swim to survive, but not well.
1. Lavishly of course.
2. LeRoy Jethro Gibbs
3. 100+
4. Indeed. How do you think I got the name Mike Nelson (sea hunt)
1) Modestly
2) People who help other people out without asking to many questions.
3) 5
4) Yes
1) Modestly. Somehow I can't see myself getting lost in a 50 room mansion.
2) I love the answers here! That includes Toad's reference to NCIS...:) Adding to all that, I'm gonna say my Mom and Dad for putting up with me and raising after the hell I put them through..
4) Yes
Jedwis, believe it not, I don't usually anything thought of till Friday morning. I tend to wing it..
1. lavishly - lobster for breakfast every morning...
2. frida kahlo & my dad.
3. one - for the alarm.
4. swam the butterfly in high school - now i just sort of bob around...
1. modestly, same house but would expand the kitchen to double it's size, and have somebody finish all the projects there were started and not finished
2. the passengers would overtook the terrorists on the flight that ended in a field instead of it's target, I would never have the courage to do anything like that
3. 10, no counting appliances, computers, cell phones and watches :)
4. not well, doggie paddle, and can float on my back for hours if needed but hate getting my face wet or going under, not having access to air constantly makes me crazy
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