Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
My mother listened to this tune when I was a kid.
The "wah-oos" are the best part.
Crap like this is ALWAYS popping into my head. My head never shuts the hell up. This is a great little number that has, and will continue, to pop in and out of my skull from time to time....
If I watch an old commercial on YouTube or somewhere, I recall every last word of them, but I can't remember where I left my keys.
Yes, where are my keys now? Short term memory is the first to go. Short term memory is the first to go.
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My mother listened to this tune when I was a kid.
The "wah-oos" are the best part.
Crap like this is ALWAYS popping into my head. My head never shuts the hell up. This is a great little number that has, and will continue, to pop in and out of my skull from time to time....
If I watch an old commercial on YouTube or somewhere, I recall every last word of them, but I can't remember where I left my keys.
Yes, where are my keys now? Short term memory is the first to go. Short term memory is the first to go.
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