Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a pleasant week. This week's questions are random and top off of my head this morning....
1) What are your favorite summertime activities?
2) Have you ever gone camping? If so, how was it?
3) If you had the opportunity to look into your future, what would you look for?
4) Would you rather mow the lawn or shovel the snow?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Hey Drew, it can't be Friday without you. OK I'll go 1st, even though that honour should go to a registered blogger.
1. gardening, tennis & perpending
2. Hell no. Once I had to go on an excavation for anthro, but ended up sleeping in my car.
3. Serenity now and in the future
4. I actually like doing both, see #1 perpending
Everyone have a great and productive day, remember Mme Z recommended First Friday tonight.
1.Sitting enjoying the outside
2.Yes, not a camping type person
3. I wouldn't look into my future
4. Mow the lawn
1. Biking, hiking, and sitting either in or by the pool!
2. Yep...fine...(motorhome!)
3. Don't want to know my future....it will play out as it is supposed to.
4. Mow (although, I pay to have mine done!) ;)
1. Gardening, being outside. Then again, we are going to a baseball game tonight and its going to be 97so I might change my answer later.
2. Yes, but its not on the list of my favorite things to do.
3. I wouldn't look into the future.
4. Shovel.
1) Going for walks, Camping just being outside.
2) Yes I really like it.
3) Just to see how life is treating me and also see if I am still with the love of my life my boyfriend.
4) I would rather mow the lawn. I don't like the cold weather.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!♥
1) doing nothing.....
2) Use to use a tent, then a camper, now...hotels
3) win the lottery
4) Watch someone do both... :)
1. Grilling outside, sitting with a beer... watching the clouds go by.
2. Yes, but let's just leave it at, "I'm not the outdoorsy type."
3. I'd wish for serenity and happiness.
4. I've never mowed a lawn and I hate shoveling. So there!
(Gee, I sure sound like a spoiled princess!)
1) I used to like working in the landscape. Now I guess it's just being outdoors.
2) Nope, I'm not a camper.
3) I'm afraid to look into the future. I have enough trouble with the present.
4) Mow.
What KK, you have NEVER mow the lawn. I'm flabbergasted. You must be studying autolatry. lol
1. Used to be skydiving and riding motorcycles. Now I don't know. Nothing much now I guess.
2. Yes! Loved it. used to go motorcycle camping and on the road for weeks with my dog. We went EVERYWHERE. He had over 60,000 motorcycle miles with me when he died. I've met people from all over the US and partied with Hell's Angels. I've camped in rain, heat, and mountain cold. I've seen Glacier Nat Park, Grand Tetons, Yosemite, Yellow Stone, New Orleans, Florida Panhandle, Redwood forests, ALL over. Absolutely LOVED it.
3. Nothing. I don't want to know. I like surprises.
4. Mowing the lawn.
Huck... I saw last night on the news, that yosemite is crazy with all the snow melting creating waterfalls everywhere in the park. Absolutely breathtaking.
(like that Seiny reference KK?)
I suppose I'll post 'something' before the IP police come calling again.
1. Anything involving nothing.
2. Yes. Had an awesome 2 weeks in the Porcupine Mountains in a snow cave and a tent, January 1992.
3. A way to see the past so I can get my memories straight.
4. Snow, grass makes my eyes red.
And now why it is sometimes better to just read than comment:
Hey Beavis she pays someone to mow the lawn.
Heh heh you said mow the lawn heh heh
1. feel the warmth, and swim but have no pool, and am quite allergic to just about everything outside...
2. yes , when I was young, was miserable, since everything outside makes me wheeze or itch :(
3. I watched Back to the Future, you know what happened then... so NO
4. allergic to grass so snow wins I guess, tho hubby does that :)
1. It's always summer here, so the same as any other time of year!
2. Yes, not as much recently as I would like. I do everything from star parties to back country in the Everglades by canoe.
3. Spoilers! (Nerd points to anyone who gets that).
4. Can't you own a condo or townhome?
1. Really don't care for Summer. Love Fall, and Winter.
2. Our Family camped several times a year from the time I was about 6 until about 16. It was always In a tent, and we had Many, Many wonderful times. After marriage camping became staying In an Air Conditioned Camper. OK, but not the same.
3. ALL people being equal.
4. Shovel the Snow.
SER: I love your #2 answer. I can't seem to get my wife to understand a Camper SUCKS.
1) Cooking on the grill, relaxing with a beer, going to a concert, talking walks-can't ya tell I love summer?
2) Growing up, my family used to take camping trips all over the Western U.S. Been to Glacier, Yellowstone, the Tetons, Black Hills, Badlands, Rocky Mountain NP, Crater Lake, etc.
3) I don't know if would look, but it would kinda interesting to know what the future holds for me.
4) Since I live in an apartment, I don't have to worry about either. Yet, when I used to own a house, I did like mowing the lawn.
I never said I pay someone to cut the grass... assumption incorrect.
I am also not the IP "police." I guess when you post online and put your neck out, it can get chopped off. We are a bunch of friends here though, and try to be civil. While we could have set a totally private site accessible only by invitation, we chose not to. The way I see it: it is nice that the site is popular, but it is always nicer when people join in.
Mow...I been mowed down a few times...oh I crack myself up.
Friday night the Beer and Tequila Bus mowed me down! Felt a little poopie Saturday.
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