Thursday, June 23, 2011

"I'm just sayin"

Speech mannerisms of the Droop Drawer Set. Like, I'd rather listen to a Valley Girl like. It kind of gags me with a spoon to read those words and like, the words are usually right after a moronic post. At least a Valley Girl has like, a tan, ya know? I'm just sayin....


  1. The one that bothers me is using "like" for "said," as in, "I asked mom if I could go to the dance, and she's like, 'I told you you're grounded until next week.'"

  2. The one that really uncorks me is the misuse of, seen, as in, "I seen it."

    No... you saw it. You may have seen it in the past, or will see it in the future... but, seriously, people, you know how stupid that makes you sound?

  3. My personal favorite that seems to be used by TV news people a lot. "What Is this mean" instead of What does this mean. It drives me nuts. Libary pisses me off too.

  4. yes, very annoying and if I have to hear one more 'baby mama' I'm going to scream...
