Monday, June 6, 2011


Hang on to your socks people, the state is going to screw us again! Not only are they taking state money away from Racine Unified they now want to take more money away from us next year to pay for vouchers!

See the articles at
JT School Vouchers and at JSOnline.

The vouchers would be funded by the state, with some of that money coming from Racine Unified's state aid allotment. The Racine voucher program would cost about $1.6 million for the next school year and about $3.2 million the year after that with each voucher paying up to $6,442 depending on a student's tuition costs, according to Vos and the motion

Here’s a good one, this goofy woman wants me to pay for her 10 minutes of sex and ends up having a kid and now I should pay to send him or her to school! She is out of her fuck’in mind!

Fabiola Diaz was glad to hear vouchers are moving forward. Diaz, 36, of Racine, has four children: One in a private high school, two in a Unified middle school and one too young for school.

She said she can barely afford to send her oldest child to the private school and would not be able to send her two middle schoolers to private high school without vouchers.

She found her own way to have them she can damn well find her OWN way to pay for them, not out of my pocket!


  1. This isn't something for the State to decide, it should be totally up the ommunity, the paying tax payers of Racine.

    Bottom line is, is you can't afford your kids, you have no business having any!

  2. New word...ommunity...gezzzz

  3. The problem is you want to help the really poor kids go to a half-way good school.(In my day the worse school was Garfield referred to as the garbage-can school) Then you get this lady who you want to bang over the head for asking us to pay for all her kids. How do you pick and chose? Pretty soon you have a law that has more ifs, ands, and buts in it and it ends up being no good in the long run. And if you have no children you say to heck with all this mess. We need more control in the school system..but where? The teachers, the parents, the school board, the police, the children? God bless whoever figures this mess out.

  4. There is so much craziness going on it is hard to keep it all straight. It is almost impossible to know what the truth is anymore. People are at each others throats... politicians and big business are lying to us and spinning the truth.

    I read this article earlier today. What is failed to be emphasized is that the aim is to eventually remove the income caps.

    So, let's say that I make $150,000. per year and want to send my kid to Prairie, but I don't want to pay the full $12,000 yearly tuition fee... I can get *taxpayer money* through a voucher to help fund the cost of Prairie school. Some of this money will be withheld from the public schools and some will come from the taxes paid by the Speedway clerk, making $8.00 per hour.

    The initial idea of vouchers was to help poverty stricken people pull themselves out of the cycle through better opportunities in education. It has now morphed into-- give tax payer money to private schools at the risk of demise to the "needy and entitled poor." {sarcasm}

    This is going to starve public education and make it go into the toilet in no time. We already have a gross number of people who are unemployable due to societies repeated failures. How will we be able to afford and deal with all the future failures we will be creating?

  5. Well.....sort of.....every child who attends school is physically counted and based upon that count the school is awarded some state. Those yearly "counts" are quite creative. In theory, each kid gets a share of the pot, no matter where he goes, except private schools. This concept is being suggested to include private schools, at the expense of public schools. Each child still gets their share, in theory!

  6. That's 'in theory!' It's just not right.
