Thursday, June 30, 2011

Should Math Be Taught in School?

Why don't we put the question to the real experts: beauty pagent contestants!


  1. Hehehehehe I have seen many things first hand in the schools....Sadly, in a few years this might be more truth than entertainment.

  2. You all know I'm already disturbed, but I think this has taken me "One Step Beyond" (for you Hale) WOW. What do you suppose they were thinking? I got within seconds of the end of the video, and my computer squealed like a scared woman. I had to shut the laptop off. Nothing would stop It. Did a scan, and nothing found? I do think your probably correct KK.

  3. Intellectual stagnation. Wish I could find a transcript of that bubble head.

  4. From my research, this is a Parody o the question put to Miss USA contestants.

  5. When it comes right down to it...They're fuck'in idiots!

  6. Yes, Huck. You got it. It's a parody of the Miss USA contestants mangling the question of whether evolution should be taught in public schools. It's sad when we have to start labeling stuff like this as parody because the real world is getting that bad.

    You can see original frightening video here.

  7. Our society is too technologically advanced for our belief systems. We didn't mature at the pace of our science and we are going to pay the price for that

  8. For the second time this week I am speechless.

  9. Yes, it is supposed to be funny, people. And it is... but,

    Huck makes a good point. We've replaced human connections, proper socialization and parenting with isolating technology. We've also become too big for our britches. We pig up the planet with no regard for the future. Our selfishness is leading to our downfall, unless something changes.
