Tuesday, July 19, 2011



hale-bopp said...

I have used that same comic in the pre-show entertainment for my improv troupe.

lizardmom said...

it is now my desktop til the heat breaks

OrbsCorbs said...

It's supposed to be worse tomorrow. I hear it's even hotter where I'm going in the afterlife.

SER said...

Orbs, you going down around the equator?

OrbsCorbs said...

I'm going down, but I don't think they call it the equator.

Huck Finn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Huck Finn said...

No stop signs, speed limits, nobody's gonna slow me down...

Hey Orb's got room on that bus?

Oh gosh I got to tell a funny story. I got a "You need to come into the office so I can explain the test results to you." E today. I've always gotten the good news with a Email, so a special visit? Now it might be as simple as stuck on rat poison for life but probably not. Of course this doesn't happen until next week so I get to stew. As it was an "Attitude day," I wore an attitude shirt.


About 70% of the folks that read it laughed, from patients, to doctors, to nurses and aids. I got a thumbs up and a chuckle from an old fart in a wheelchair. I got a look of "Hmmph" from a prude, but the BEST was from the broom stuck up his ass Preacher. He gave me such a look, I burst out laughing and the rest of the Elevator joined in. He got off at the next floor with a sour look that said, "Get thee behind me Satan." Sure, where ya going?

The deleted post had too many typos.

kkdither said...

Sorry about the stew time, huck. That is unbearable, our minds can be far too mean. You have to look on the bright side... if he said get over here as fast as you can, the news would have to be worse.

OrbsCorbs said...

Huck, the highway to hell always has room for more.

I love the T-shirt! I haven't heard/seen that one before. :-D

Don't even get me started on the state of health care today. It is much worse than I ever imagined.