Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Is it just me, or is that hard to read?


  1. FIRST!
    slightly hard on the eyes...

  2. Thought for sure I had first. I'll settle for second. Enough procrastinating, say goodnight, kk....

  3. 3rd, but probably the 1st to get up today :)
    yes, my eyes didn't handle seeing that well... wowsers...

  4. 12:32AM, 2:04AM, 2:20AM

    Don't you people sleep?

  5. To answer SER's question, nope, not well!

  6. Oh boyyyyyy, and SER was asking that question at 4:30 a.m.????? LOL. Morning all from SW Florida. Hot and humid....

  7. Good morning from OKC where we are expecting another hot (104) day. I have roofers putting on a new roof and a dog going crazy in the house. It's going to be a long day. I should have volunteered to work today.

  8. Slightly "cooler" this week...only about 100 but more humid. Can be fairly pleasant in the evening if those thunderstorms roll through. Off to DC for party on the National Mall Friday night!

  9. Pretty warm & humid here in Franksville, a NW suburb of Racine. We could use some rain.

  10. SER, I was up till 2:30 this morning on my patio, listening to music and reading a book. I know, my nocturnal lifestyle is showing...

    jedwis, I work in Franksville.

  11. Drew... I thought I saw you out in the field planting

  12. And don't forget your "Who" 8-track for some good "out there in the fields" music. lol

  13. Oh SER, I DID sleep, that's why I don't have a life, I go to bed around 6 pm, earlier if I'm tired out, I get up a bit before 2 am most days, out of work by 11am, not too bad once you get used to it

  14. Drew, I finished "the book." Are you reading the one we spoke about? It is massive... but, oh my gosh, great!

  15. Secret messages in the open blog?

    SER, did you get that "thing" we talked about?

    Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    Mom is back home. The one time that she finally consents to a catheterization, and they decide to go with more meds. Whatever works. I'm glad for her sake that she's back in her apartment.

  16. OMG kk, it is a big book! I'm on the 8th chapter. I've been hopscotching between that book and "The Last Days of John Lennon" by Frederic Seaman.

    I'm halfway done with the Lennon book. Yoko Ono is definitely a nutjob!

    BTW jedwis, I run a press for a living. "Being out there in the fields" picking cabbage isn't my kind of way to make a living....

  17. Gee orbs, I kind of figured you'd just take out your JTI secret decoder ring and figure it out... ;>

  18. Orbs- I am glad your mom is home so you don't have to go running all over. At least she is more comfortable now.

    Drew- I am going to have to read that John Lennon book one day. It really sounds good.

  19. Where do I get the JTI secret decoder ring, in a box of cracker jacks?
