Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Air Swimmers

I want one for my cat, Charlie.


  1. I think that is really neat. I would have liked to have that when my kids were younger to scare them.

  2. I got this via e-mail a few days ago. It really is neat.

  3. David Letterman had one of these demonstrated on his show. It is cool, but I think it would get old fast. I can see how it would be neat at an aquarium. Makes me think that this technology could fill some military espionage or other purpose or porpoise?... hehehe

  4. I assume that Charlie would eventually launch an attack on one and destroy it.

  5. I got a reply back from a friend, yes I have one or two, and this is what he said...

    I saw this in a newsletter I get from Diver Dan's in Kenosha.
    I think they sell them but it didn't say how much.
    It's on 30th a little past Gateway
