Tuesday, August 2, 2011

JT political agenda?

I've noticed that since Racine Uncovered and other sites have started making JT more honest in their reporting, the JT still works at obfuscation. They reported the impending sale of an uptown art building. It will not be for uptown art however. It will become a new Chinese restaurant/apartments/cabinetry wholesale store. After just 18 hours on the JT site, it has been buried and you need a very specific search to find it. Dickert the "smooth" (as baby shit) Realtor/Mayor managed to lose over $420k on the deal and it doesn't do anything for the artist relocation program. The sale hinges on the common council vote, but has gotten a unanimous thumbs up from the planning committee.



  1. The Journal Times is infamous for this. Any story involving Dickert will be buried very quickly. Any story directly about Dickert and his machinations-lying-lawsuits is always published on Saturdays, when no one reads the paper. It's an old journalism trick.

    Nice to know that the fourth estate which is supposed to protect our right to free speech and access to information is just another lying machine owned by swine. It starts with the oinker at top who wrote lying John's Ten Year Lie for him. The residents of Racine are spoon fed Dickert's lies every single day by his personal newspaper. The funny thing is to see Dickert's lies headlined on Racine Uncovered while the Journal Times ignores them. It's like 1/10th of the population watching the other 90% blithely walking off of cliffs.

  2. Oh, about the story itself. Of course this is bullshit. We are hemorrhaging money on lying John's real estate deals. The lies just drive me nuts if I let them. They tell us that pissing away money on cronies is good for Racine. Every single property that the city buys we lose on. Every single one, every single time. NSP will generate millions in losses for us by the time the legal dust settles. Now they are giving away the buildings bought with our money and supposedly reserved for "artists." It's all lies. That's what Dickert and O'Connell and Friedel do for a living: they lie. And we pay for it. And we will continue to pay for it because the majority of Racine residents don't care and/or are cowards.
