Monday, August 8, 2011

Where's the Octopus?

Many of my friends have shared this on facebook (and the Science Friday Video podcast is part of my iTunes feed!)

I can tell you from personal experience, it is just as amazing as the video. When I lived on St. Croix, I saw several octopii while snorkeling. They would be totally invisible until I was right on top of them. Suddenly, they would spring into view and swim away. I was lucky enough that I never go inked!


  1. Hale, You just made CERTAIN, I will never go near the water.

  2. Amazing footage. You can't believe your eyes.

  3. THAT is freaky!! I watched the raw footage of it, it's amazing!

    Agree with Toad.. ever going near water!

  4. Just incredible! It's like computer generated graphics. How does a color blind, "dumb animal" (or encephalopod) evolve such an ability? I bet the military are all over this.

  5. That is sooo cool! One thing I always wanted to do is go snorkeling..

  6. That is so neat. I never knew that about them. Thank for letting me know!♥
